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Perhaps it was the cold night air, or the fact that sleeping inside of a dream seemed unlikely, but it was a restless night for me. I spent most of my time leaning against a tree that was close to the fire that Tat had made before retiring for the night. He had only been a few feet a way, shelter from the hard ground by only his jacket.

As I watched the sun rise that morning, I wondered if perhaps time ran differently there. Tat didn't wake up for another two hours after that. Once he did awaken we immediately began our journey. 

"Miss, are you fine with hiking this distance? I could carry you if you'd like." Tat offered kindly.

I simply scoffed, " I can stand on my own two legs, thank you. And stop calling me miss- my name is Allis."

" Oh no ma'am! I couldn't possibly call you by your given name! It would be unproper for a lowly secretary as myself to do so." He protested as he walked ahead of me pulling away brush and follege so that I had a clear trail to walk on.

"Is it not rude to not call someone by the name they ask you to call them by?" I inquired sourly.

He pondered this for a moment as he held a branch back so that I easily walked under it. "Well I suppose...Though He will not like it."

Who was the "He" that Tat kept referring to, and why did his opinion matter? 

As I contemplated this I did not notice that Tat had stopped and I walked right into his back. 


"Oh my, I'm so sorry. Did it hurt?"

I shook my head. It wasn't as if I would die.

"Welcome to Hatter Estate, Miss Allis." He moved his hand in an escentric manner as if it were his own castle he were showing off.

 The building truly did look like a mansion. It had four stories that were built out of- was that marble? Four columns stood proudly around the front stair case that led to the grand front door. It was made entirely out of stained glass that was made with the image of a sword piercing through a top hat... how strange.

"Well, shall we enter?" Tat said with a boyish grin. " I'm sure they are waiting."

Who would possibly want to wait on me?  I thought with a tired sigh. But non the less, I followed Tat to the front door were someone was already waiting for us. 

"Greetings." A young gentlemen who seemed to be a servant said with a deep bow. " Welcome to the Hatter Estate. If you will follow me, my master is waiting." 

We followed him into the house. The grand entrance to the house was also made out of marble and in the center of the floor was etched the same symbol that was on the door. what a strange emblem. 

The corridor that led the servant led us down was made of fine wood, mahogany perhaps. and portraits of people in strange attire hung in the walls. We were led into a dimly lit room that had a long table in the middle. Someone sat at the end. 

I could not see his face. I could only tell that he was a man and that he was dressed like a true master of the house. Several rings gleamed on his right hand that held a nice cane. 

"Welcome to my house, Allis Riddle. I hope that you have received my invitation?"

He sounded young, but not as young as myself. Maybe around my brothers age. 

"Yes,"  I answered calmly, "I have received it. If I may know your name, sir?"

He didn't seemed to mind my cool attitude, chuckling at me instead. " How cold, Allis." He stood from his chair and walked into the light of the fire that crackled in the fireplace. "My name is Ciel Hatter. You shall now full fill the promise you made many years ago."

"I don't recall making a promise." I said with irritation. 

I watched as a smirk formed on his lips. " You shall now stay by my side forever more."

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