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Well it was not exactly the way I had pictured myself going out, but it was not short of exciting.  

I could feel my head make contact with the bottom of the tub. My vision blacked out for a moment due to the pain. 

Fuck. That hurt. 

I could still feel the little pest pull me along by my hair. As my vision cleared I began to grapple around in the water to find it.  When that did not work I grabbed the hair that it was pulling me around by and began to yank it back. 

Though it was strong it did not have enough strength to out do me. My hand wrapped around it's torso.  As my head broke the surface of the water, I could faintly register it biting me but I was to busy focusing on breathing to care. 

"What in  imagination happened?"  Mouse said from the door way. "I just went out to get some soap... Trinket?  What did you do?"

She was looking at the creature in my hand. So it had a name. 

"I have to say- were I came from, insects are not quiet this big."

The bug turned its head and stuck its tongue out at me, showing off sharp little teeth in the process. I opened my hand so it could zip away, landing on Mouses' shoulder. 

She brought a couple of bottles of perfumed soap over to me. "Are you hurt? Trinket is a water pixie. They are known for being mischievous. sometimes his jokes go a bit to far."

"Oh, it was nothing. He was just helping me wash my hair is all." I pushed a piece of hair out of my eyes to get a better look at Mouses' worried expression. "It really is nothing."

She bit her lip and nodded. "Lucky for Trinket. If you got even a scratch Trinket would be disposed of."

I laughed. "I am not that important. I am sure that wouldn't happen."

Mouse took a moment to study my face. "You are really underestimating your worth, Miss Allis."

I forced a laugh again. "You flatter me, Mouse."

She turned away to hide her flushed face. "A-all I meant was that you mean a lot to Lord Hatter.  He has been waiting a long time for you, after all."

"A long time? Why has he been waiting a long time for me?" I mused as I scooped up bubbles into my hand and blew them into the air. 

"No one knows." She set a couple  of towels on the sink counter. "There is talk among the aristocrats that perhaps you are his weapon to winning the war."

"War? Is there war here?"

Mouse leaned against the counter. "Well, it is not an official war. Just a bit of unrest between the Red Queen and her sister the White Queen. They are the Hatter's cousins. He has not taken a side. That is what has kept the war at bay."

"So both of the sister's need the Hatter's support? His choice would tip the scale." I stood from the tub and wrapped the offered towels around me. 

"Yes, but he has refused to take a side, and claims that he shall not take one in the future." Mouse came over to assist me as I tried to wrap my hair into the towel, but of course it was to much. "Perhaps I should braid it?"

"Maybe that would be best." I agreed, taking a seat at the chair in front of the vanaty in my room. 

"Does Reality have in wars, Miss Allis?" Mouse inquired as she began to weave my wet strands into place.

"Hmmm, of course we do." I said thoughtfully, "It is just that there are so many that its a bit hard to explain them all."

Her eyes seemed to shine at the notion of such a thing. 

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