Chapter 13+very important notice!!!

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"Care to explain yourself?"

I look up and gasp. The, I mean, a king!
The first thought that cross my mind is: get yourself in not a state like this.

But then I remember...This is supposedly my dad now.

So I just look with wide eyes at him.
"Where were you?"

I gulp. Think off something. Anything! fast!

"I was at the library."


I try not to roll my eyes. "To read some books."

He nod. "Okay..So you were in a library. And not this library but the one on the mainland, further away..To read a book?"

I nod. "Yes.."
Wait. What? This is not the land? Is this a island!? How did we get here?

"How did you get there?"
I frown.
"We clearly forbid you to leave this island. Yet you didn't obay our orders."

I gulp.

"You will get punished tomorrow morning. Normal place and time."

I nod. What?

Remember, Mia said she's her dad's and brother's punching bag.

Oh. yeah. Poor Mia.

He go out the room and my I frown as I hear a noise. Did he just take my key and lock me in this room!? I look towards my door and my eyes widen. Yep. He took my key and lock me in this room.

Can you believe this? It's insane!

I sigh and decide to go to sleep. I'll need it.

I quickly get ready for sleep, thinking over the happenings off today. This was one busy day. I meet one sister and then loose both. This is insane!
As I think about the day I fall into a dreamless sleep.


"The king has to leave for business and would wish to see you before he go."

I nod and slowly walk after her. She's about twenty five.
We go outside and I quickly say goodbye to the king.

It feels so weird, all this.

"Make sure she doesn't leave the grounds. Or the palace actually. But keep always an eye on her."
His last demand to the woman who brought me here.

She then took me back to my room and I spent the rest off my day there, reading all the different books there are.


Amelia's (Mia) POV.

I quickly walk to the basement and start searching for the bag that has all my other costumes and disguises. After a while I find the right bag and start dragging it to the elevator. It's quite big and heavy so I can't exactly just carry it. Just because I have a gang doesn't mean I'm one off those very strong people.
As I reach the elevator the secretary stops me.

"I thought you know that you're not supposed to run in this hotel."

I frown. I didn't run. I speed walked.
"It's no way leaving the hotel. People will think something happened in here if you run out off the hotel."

Now I'm confused. "Wait wait wait. I did NOT run out this hotel. Ever."

She frown. "You did, just about five minutes ago."
Something go through my mind. "Oh yeah sorry it won't happen again, I promise."

She nods slowly and after giving me a suspicious look she walk away.
I quickly get in the elevator and when it reach my floor I run to my room. That woman can't see me and I doubt she can even hear me.
Once inside my room I look around.
It's empty.

I start to panic and walk outside. Luckily I know my way around here.
I choose a random direction and after awhile I stop dead in my tracks.

My brother's limousine is waiting outside the library.
My eyes widen and I freeze as I see Lia getting inside.

They speed off.

To my home. They thought Lea was me! I can't believe it, actually I can sort off. But now I got Lea in really big trouble.

I start running. Not to where I know their taking Lea but to where my gang are supposed to be now.
I make a turn at the hotel and quickly get changed in my normal boy gang leader whatever outfit.

After that I quickly get to the place and go to my office there.
I send for a guy to tell everyone else to go to the meeting room, it's important.

After a few minutes he return, saying that everyone is there.

I gather a few files and papers and go to the room. Everyone are clearly very curious, some just hides it better than others.
I start the meeting, telling them the problem and what we're going to do. I know where Lea is now and I know I won't be able to save her alone. I tell them that the person we're getting is my sister.
After a few questions and more plans everyone leaves.
We're starting tonight at ten and everyone's getting ready.

Tomorrow morning I'll call the palace and tell them to ask for the so called king to meet a very pretty woman (she's part off my gang) in a little Café. (I won't say it in this words obviously)
I know that my dad contacts some guy who get woman to meet him. Apparently he's looking for a new wife, since his first one died.

Everything should go as planned. I just hope it will work.



Hi everyone, I am really sorry to announce that this book will be on hold due certain reasons. I will continue the story but I don't know when.

This does not mean you may suddenly go and copy my book or idea. You may also not continue it for me.

I want to thank those few readers for reading to here. I really appreciate it!
I would maybe publish this book one day after rewriting it and completing it.

I'm sorry guys, I never thought I'll have to do this but I don't have much choice now.

Thank you all again!

Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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