Chapter 8

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"I'm asking one more time: how did you do it?" He trap me between the wall and him.

"Uh. I. Uhm...I cant tell you."

"Oh really? Why?"

"Because...uhm...then you'll know it. And it mist be a secret."

"And why MUST it be a secret?"

"Because my family said so. Ha. Take that. Best combac EVER!!!!!"

What?! Your family said so? You are not right in the head girl.

I though we confirmed that loooong ago. And ps, you are in my head.


My kidnappers clearly also though that I'm not right in the head because they're looking wierdly at me.

I click my tonge at them. "You guys really are wierd."

"Who? Us? No. YOU are wierd. More like crazy."

Is that a compliment?

I don't thi-

I'll take it as a compliment.

"Thank you kind sir."

-nk so.

"Yep. She's definitely crazy. Maybe that's how she can be in two places at the same time." Gareth look at me and shake his head.

Andrew look at him and then at me. He walk closer to me (if that is even possible) and stare at me in the eyes.

"Tell." One arm next to my head on the wall.


Another arm.

"How you did it."

Make something up girl!

Okay. Uhm...

"Fine. Fine! I'll tell you."

He smirks at me. HeissostupidbuthotohmysoulIcantbelievIthoughtthat!!!

"I uhm..the being in two places at the same time is uh. It goes through the family. No. Wait. Just kidding. Only certain people can do it. You get chosen by Einstein, you see he's the one who figured it all out and he was also the first to know he could do it so he went on a worldwide tour to find all the people who can do it and told them to find others to find others and so on. And after that he went back to his home and figured out that we are all very special and must be protected so he went around the world again to tell everyone who can do it to tell other people again. And then when he was done he went back home and figured out we're not just special but we are also dangerous. And that was the last straw because then he got a haert attack and died. After many years other scientists searched his work and saw about us placetrancfers  (thats what he called us) and went through the world also to find all off us. My dad was one and when I was young he told me: "Ce- Delia, I am a placetrancfer and you are too. We are in danger because we are dangerous. It may not make any sense right now but it will one day. I must go now. Stay protected by mom and don't ever transfer places at the same time. Then people will see it and then you are in danger also. We wouldn't want that, would we? No. So stay safe darling." That was his last words to me. I promised him I won't ever do it..but. I just broke that promise!!!!!!!"

I brake into sobs. Oh my soul, I sure am a good story teller. Even my own stories let me cry.

I look at them with my tear eyes.
They're buying it. Almost everyone is looking at me with sad faces. Except..Andrew. He's just looking at me as if I'm an alien.

I look at him. "You.."

I sob again.

That did the trick. He's also looking at me with pity now.

"I'm really sorry about your father,Delia."

I just nod. "T..thanks."

"But I don'thave a close idea to what you said. At all."

The rest nod and I sigh.

Sometimes I hate talking fast.

"It doesn't matter anyway." I sob and give him a weak smile to prove my point.

He nod. "Wh-what now? What's going to happen to me?"

"We don't know."

I gasp. "How the earth do you NOT know??"

"It wasn't our plan to kidnap you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean: we were told to get a girl named Delia and bring her here. "

"Uh..okay. Why are you obaying orders from an unknown person?"

His eyes darken and he walk out the room.

"We..uh. it's hard to explain." Gareth pats my head and follow Andrew out the room.
The rest follow. Yeah. Go ahead, leave me alone. ALONE! Like I care. Leave go on, leave me in a small room with a window wide open...wait what?

I'm missing something!

What the am I missing.

Uh..window? Open? Run? Away? Escape?

Ooooh. I get it. They left the window open for fresh air so that I don't want to get outta here and go home to get my own fresh air.

Hehe. Clever me to figure that out.


Okay guys, I'm making this book teen fuction.

Thanks for reading to here. There's funny moments to come but there will also be adventure. A lot.

Love ya'll, i geuss. (Still waiting for comments..)





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