Chapter five

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Unknown POV

I can see her walking with a friend with red hair. They stop infront of the gate and she start walking my way. The red head walk towards the gaurd and say something to him.

I frown. He let her in and she walk in. Dia walk towards the bush infront of the one I'm hiding behind and hide herself behind it. Thats strange.

Well here's my chance.


Lea's POV

I hear something behind me and turn around just to feel a hand clasp over of my eyes and one over my mouth.

I struggle to get loose but the attacker is to strong.

Once I feel the hand over my eyes being removed I try to see who the attacker is. But my attacker is too fast and knocks me out. The last thing I see before blacking out is his big feet. Okay so he's a man.


Dia's POV

I walk out and towards the bush Lea hid behind. My wig was taken off and I had my schoolbag.

"Psst. Lea. You can..."

I stop as I see her schoolbag laying on the ground. She's nowhere to be seen.

This is bad.


"Lea!!! Where are you!!??"

"Oh no oh no oh no. This is bad. Where could she be. Oh no. Wait...No keep calm Dia. Everything is going to be fine. Maybe she just went to school without you and dicided to leave her schoolbag lying in front of your house. Nothing wrong with it."

I started walking around in sircles. Okay, as long as I don't get a panick attack. Keep calm.

I quickly bent down, taking Lea's bag and quickly start walking to school. If she's not there I'll just have to look for her when I can.

As I see the school I frown. The principle and several teachers are waiting outside. They smile as they see me and the principle start walking towards me.

"Dia! You're okay!!"

"Yeah...? What do you mean?"

"We heard that you went missing."

"Impossible. Probably just some person spreading a stu- I mean crazy rumor."

Language in front of this princible counts. Remember. Even stupid is a harsh word for him.

He shrugs. "Yeah probably. Go to class now, don't let me hold you back."

I frown. Wierd.

A small thought spring in my mind but I shrug it off. I have bigger things to worry about. I walk to my locker and put Lea's bag in it.

"Hey, why all the bags?"

I jump by the voice and turn around to see Alex standing there.

"Yoh gave me a fright."
I put my hand on my hart trying to stop the fast beating. Calm.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

I smile to him. "It's okay, don't worry."

"Good. What do you have first period?"

I look at my schedule and reply: "Drama. You?"

"Oh, I have art. Well see you then Dia! Bye!"

I wave to him and start waling to class.

Too bad me and Lea didn't tell each other what classess we have, so I can't be sure whether she's here or not.

And I can't ask Jake or anyone else since they probably don'tknow I have a twin sister.

This is riduckulus.


The day went by very fast and as the last bell ring I run out the school gates and to my house. I quickly change and then put a few things into my backpack.

Who knows where she can be and I have a feeling I'm not going to be back soon.


Lea's POV

"Dude poke her."


"Just do it." A third voice speak.

"No. Why can't I just frow water on her?"
Voice number two.

"Because it's a rude thing to do to a girl."
I speak up as I slightly open my left eye seeing three pair of legs.

I open both my eyes and see the owners of them. They're young. Suprisinly young. Defenitely seventeen. Though one look about sixteen.

"Oh well, she's awake. And since I have nothing to do with this water... I geus I'll just..." The man who spoke second tip the bucket water over me.

I scream. And then I kick him. I stood up quickly and kicked him. How stupid. Just kidding. It's totally a clever thing to do.


"You...!! You are so going to be sorry." He grit trough his teeth and I just shrug.

They're quite hot. Especially the guy who tipped the water over me. I mean, wow just... wait what am I thinking!! Cecelia get hold off your self. He's not hot. He tipped a bucked water over you!!!!

"Hahaha. Okay. Can we start please?"

"Yeah. Tell me your names please."

The third guy who spoke shake his head but says: "Hi, I'm Gareth. This," he poimt a finger towards the guy who spoke first, "is Daren and that is Andrew." He point lastly to the guy whi tipped water over me.

We glare at each other and Daren laugh.

Gareth shake his head whith a smile across his face.

I sigh and start with my questions.

"Uhm. What am I doing here?"

"Boss told us to bring you here."

"Where am I?"

"You may not know."

"Do you know my name?"

"Yes Delia, we do."

Looks like Gareth is going to be the only one answering my questions.

"Wait, what did you call,me?"

"Delia. Why?"

"Oh no reason."

Better to let them think I'm Dea while I can.


Hey guys!!

Thanks for reading to here. For those who did read The Secret, I'm not updating soon. I can't update that, this and do my schoolwork. Sorry about that.


Luv ya'll!!!!!


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