Chapter four

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Last night was amazing. Learning about my other half of my family and laughing with Dia. We talked till we fell asleep and when I wake up she is still sleeping.
"Dia. Dia. Wake up."

She slowly open her eyes and smile when she saw me.
"So it wasn't a dream? I really have a twin sister?"

Last night we found out that we're twins not just sisters. Her birthday is also on the 28th of February.

"It wasn't." I smile.

"Honey!! School's in an hour. Please get ready." We groan. Uurg.

"What about dad? He's gonna freak out if I'm not there." Dia start panicking.

"Okay mom!!" I look at Dia and talk softly. "Why don't ya give him a call? Tell him you're at a friend."

She nod and get out her phone.
"Dad? Yeah, sorry. I'm at a friend. Yeah I do. Okay. Be Calm dad!! YES! I HEARD YOU." She put down and roll her eyes.

I chuckle.
"You can borrow some of my clothes for the day."
She smile.


"And we can go get brekfast at the school's cafeteria."


I walk towards my walk in closet and take something out for her. It fits. Thank goodness.

"Wow. You really have nice clothes."

"Thanks. You can use my shower. I mean bathroom." I point towards my bathroom and she chuckle.

"Here's a spare towel."


Okay. This is just. Not goimg to be easy.


"Yes dear?"

"Can w..I walk to school? Please."

"I. No. It's not safe. And it's like 8 km far!! You wanna walk that whole way!!? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. But please mom. Please please PLEASE!!!???"

"Cecilia! No. I made my decision."

I sigh. Okay. This is gonna be difficult.

I slowly walk up towards my room. Once I'm inside I close the door.

"Okay. Dia. You're going to need a discuise."

"Why's that? I thought...oh.We can't walk to school."

I nod and open my walk in closet door. I begin searching through all my boxes full of glassess and wigs and so on.

I take out a red wig about waist-long and a pair of purple glassess.

I hand it to her and she put it on.

"How do I look? Lea? Hello, anybody home?"

"Oh. Sorry." I direct her towards the mirror. She walk towards it and gasp.

"Oh my soul. Oh my soul!!"

We burst out laughing. She look amazing.

"Just one more thing." I pull out a cap anf give put it on her head.

She look at herself and smile. She suddenly put it sideways and make her clothes unneat. Then she put a bitchy face on and point her finger at my reflection next to hers in the mirror.

"Stay where you are missy. No one disturbes the Queen." We laugh.

"This. Is..." I couldnt speak further, I'm laughing too hard.
On her cap stand: disturb the QUEEN and...

I usually wear it if I have to go to a new school since I hate being disturbed and so on like I said in class yesterday.

"It discribes you perfectly Lea!" She chuckle.

I take it and put it on my head. I pretent to study myself from all angles in the mirrow.

"Ya know what? I think you're right." Dhe just shake her head and put it on her head again.

"Lets go Lea. "

"Wait!! You need a name."

"I do have one."

She chuckle.

"No. You need an another name. Let me think."

"What about Denise?"

I nod. "Okay. Denise lets go!"

We walk down the stairs towards the kitchen. Mom's not there. I sigh in relief and take out some cereal.

"Want some?"

She nod and I give her some.


We eat fast and finish evrything.

"Mom! Can we go please?" She walk in the dining room and frown as she see Dia.

"Oh, mom. This is Di...Denise. She's my friend I made yesterday. She slept here last night and I don't think you remember since you were kinda not with us...ya know?"

She just stare at Dia and then at me.

"If you say so."

"Lets go, shall we?" I walk towards the door with mom and Dia close behind me.

****skip car ride***

"Oh, mom. Can you please just leave us here. We'll be okay."

She just shook her head and we climb out.

We watch untill shes round the corner and then we start walking towards Dia's house to fetch her schoolbag.

Once were there I gasp. Another mansion. Exept it only has 2 floors and it's kinda little smaller than ours.

"Wait here. Behind that bush. I'll go fetch my bag."

I nod and sit down behind the bush.

Now for the loooooooong wait...............


Hey guys!!!!

Sorry for the long wait for this chapter I was kinda very busy. But here's the update!!!

I'll try to update another chapter today. But no promisses.

Thanks for reading my book. I really apreciate it.

Sorry for all the spelling mistakes and that. I'm not English so everything isn't gonna be perfact but I try.

Thx guys

Luv you all!!!!

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