White sheets and boundaries

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I blink. My best friend, Marietta is holding my hand and she squeezes it when she sees I'm awake.
"Where am I?" A hand flutters to my chest,
"Tu est- I mean, you're in the 'ospital wing." She corrects herself. Looking around I notice I am lying on a surprisingly comfortable white bed. Rows of white beds fill the room, some with curtains around them, but most without patients.
"Ah, Miss Delacour! I hope you're feeling better now. That certainly was a nasty knock to the head!" A woman with a white cap says. She touches a gash on my head gently.

"Beg your parrrdon, but what 'appened?" I ask, noticing the strong comparison of her simple British accent to my lilting, songlike accent.
"You and Mr Malfoy had a nasty collision. He's alright, I gave his something for the headache, but you hit the bench square on the head. You were out for a long while." Memories flood back and I wince.

Marietta and I were walking through the dining hall, navigating the unfamiliar  faces. Suddenly a boy with wavy hair falling into his eyes turned sharply and stomped out, cursing at his friend. I didn't have time to move, I was too busy gazing at him. With a final growl, he turned and slammed straight into me.

"Lucky for you, Mr Malfoy carried you in." The lady, who I realise is Madam Pomfrey remarks.
" He did what?!" Madam Pomfrey shrugs, a small smile tugging at her lips. Then she walks off.
"No, Fleur." Marietta sighs,
"He's so-"
"Fleur, 'e's not yet fifteen!" I grow silent and Marietta sighs again,
"But Marietta, 'e is vair tall. And 'e is 'andsome too. And so kind, even eef he knocked me out." Marietta's eyelids flutter,
"Oh, Fleur, do what you want." She smiles softly.

That night, Marietta reluctantly leaves to go to our sleeping quarters. I tried to follow, but Madam Pomfrey insists I  stay,
"In case of severe injuries to the head." So, all alone, I pull the white sheets around me and look up at the ceiling.

It's 11pm. Madam Pomfrey left to get ready for bed, over an hour ago. Suddenly the door creaks, way at the end of the hall. I jerk upwards, head spinning. A figure slinks through the shadows and I feel my heart thumping loudly in my chest.
"'Ello?" I murmur, trying not to disturb any of the other patients. Then it occurs to me, that if a murderer is here, I really should disturb them. I snap out of it and look again. The figure is gone. I freak out. Like seriously freak out. My heart is beating so fast I think it's going to rip out of my chest. I open my mouth to scream, but a hand clamps over it before I could say anything. The scent of grass, dew and wood threatens to overwhelm me, and I turn around swiftly, eyes popping.

Oh god. It's him.

Hi reader(s)! Well there are a few more of you than I expected- which is fabulous! Sorry for the short 'chapters', I'll be lengthening them as much as possible. Please consider commenting or voting!

Tashie xoxo

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