Lampshades and zucchinis

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I'm forced to remove my hand from her mouth when she twists around neatly, somehow grasping her wand and she ends facing me, her wand digging into my neck. My Adam's apple bobs as I swallow hard. 


"Me." I say, laughing nervously, "Um... sorry for, scaring you."

"You nearrly gave me a 'eart attack!" She places a hand on her heart, closing her eyes as she takes a deep breath.

"I'm really sorry." I mumble my cheeks glowing red. I thankthe heavens it's so dark. Suddenly Fleur sways precariously before crumpling to the floor. 

"Aaah!" I gasp. Then I curse angrily. If someone wakes up it'll be all my fault. I look at her for a moment, then I crouch next to her,

"Uh, Fleur?" No reply. I put one hand under her legs, and the other under arms. Then I scoop her up and gently place her on the covers. She may be a year or two older then me, but she is light and I can lift her easily. Not to mention, I'm practically a head taller then her as it is. Looking down at her, my heart starts beating faster. Suddenly I clench my fists and storm out. She'll never like me. I'm just Draco asshole Malfoy! 

"Draco?!" I turn back to see her sitting up, looking dizzy, the lamp on, illuminating her face.

"Why are you leaving? Please stay a leetle longer." She looks so desperate, "...please...?" I slowly walk back towards her,

"I came to see if you were okay..." 

"In ze middle of ze night?" She says laughingly,

"Well, yeah."

"what just 'appened before? one minute we were talking and ze next I was asking you to come back." She looks puzzled,

"Well, fainted." I blush, not wanting to admit to picking her up and putting her onto the bed,

"Oh. Conveniently onto my bed?"

"Uh, yeah." I pretend to accidentally lean on the lamp so that my blushing is no longer illuminated by the bright light. 

"Why did you turn off the light?" Fleur asks simply,

"I...uh...didn't mean to..." I trail out, knowing I sound pathetic.

"Okay, Malfoy." She says her eyes glowing at me through the dark. We stare at each other for a while, my heart racing. Then she looks away and the moment is gone.

"Why did you rrreally come?" She asks after a moment, rolling her 'r's in that delicate way of hers. Yet again, I blush. In this one night, I've blushed more than I have in the rest of my life altogether. 

"Uh...well, partially to see if you were okay- as it was my fault. And uh... also...uh." A hundred different things are going through my mind. What on earth can I say?! She'll think I'm pathetic! A pitiful sixth year with a...ugh...a little crush on her. She probably has loads of guys her own age, falling at her feet. How could she not? I glance back at her. Her head tilted to the side- eyes looking genuinely concerned.

" Zabini wanted to know about your friend...?" Suddenly I'm on a roll, "The brunette at the front of the group when you made your entrance." I lie, pleased at how it rolls off my tongue.

"Oh." I'm unsure whether it's just my imagination- or does she look faintly disappointed.

"Um... 'er name's Marietta. But... weel she's not entirrrely single..." 

"How is she not 'entirely' single?" I ask through my laughter. 

"You see, she 'asn't been asked out exactly- but zeir's a seventh year 'ufflepuff called Zac, and weel... zey've kissed and all zat." She laughs a bit, "After life at an all girls school, you kinda grab onto a guy when you can get one." She giggles and I laugh too, but it's more an embarrassed  laugh,

"Sorry about your friend Zucchini." I burst into hysterical laughter and she looks puzzled,

"Zucchini's...a...vegetable." I say through my hysteria. She mock frowns at me,

"Sorry! I meant to say Beanie." My laughter gets louder and she mock-slaps my arm,

"What!?" She questions,

"Sorry, his name's Zabini." 

"Ohhh. Zabeanie. Got eet." 

There is a loud creak and Fleur gasps,

"Oh no! Zat'll be Madam Pomfrrrey!" In her agitation, her 'r's lengthen. "Hide!" She orders. 

"Where?!" I whisper-shriek. She rolls her eyes and flicks her wand at me. I'm pushed backwards and under the bed,

"Fleur?" I whisper as she rolls onto her side. My voice blurs weirdly and I frown. I hold out a hand tentatively and it bounces off some invisible sort of barrier. I laugh out loud and the sound warps weirdly. I realise now, that she has cast a hidden spell on me. Footsteps get louder and Madam Pomfrey enters my view. Instead of her dress, apron, cap and neat curls; she is wearing a calf-length nightdress in an off white and slippers. Her hair is in rollers and she looks annoyed,

"Fleur, dear. Why are you awake?" I press up against the barrier to watch the scene that will play out next. 

Fleur, who's apparently put out by her obvious pretence, pushes herself up onto her elbows. 

"I was feeling- 'ow you say? Deezy! and I couldn't get back to sleep." She says immediately,

"I thought I heard talking...? I do hope there isn't someone here who isn't meant to be." She looks at Fleur threateningly. 

"Oh. You must have mis'eard. Don' worry." Madam Pomfrey looked concerned. Then she patted Fleur on the shoulder and walked out. Fleur waits a moment, then flicks her wand at me,

"The coast, eet ees clear, Malfoy." I crawl out from under the bed,

"What did you say, Fleur?!" Madam Pomfrey's voice rings out through the room and I freeze in fear.

Hey readers! 

This chapter was a bit longer, so hopefully you appreciate that. Thought I'd leave you on a little cliff-hanger. Fingers crossed you are enjoying the story so far- if you are, please consider giving it a vote! 

Tashie xoxo

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