Yellow robes and haircuts

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My heart stops.

"I...uh... said nothing." I say quickly, gesturing for Draco to hide back under the bed.

" You definitely said something."

"Oh, yeah," I laugh nervously, "I said 'can I leave tomorrow'."

Madam Pomfrey pops her head around the corner,

"Are you quite certain."

"Yeah...? I mean, YES! I am." She observes me through narrowed eyes, then turns on her heel and leaves,

"You didn't answer my-" I trail off.

"Go, go! Beforrre we get een beeg trouble!" I order and Draco nods glumly, crawling out from under the bed, hair mussed. He shakes his head- flinging it out of his eyes. Against my better judgement, I swoon.

"I'm so sorry. Really." Draco apologises profusely before fleeing from the hospital.

Lying stiffly in the hospital bed, I can feel my heart thumping against my chest.

Draco POV:

The entire walk to Hogsmeade, I am silent. When the stores come into view, Blaise whips around, eyes blazing,

"Enough, Draco! I am sick to death of your moping. What, what is it." Taken aback, I frown,

"I just... I really like her." I say, after a lifetime of silence. Blaise halts, forcing me to stop beside him. He stares at me for a while before shaking his head in disbelief,

"You're scaring me Malfoy, you really are. This is really unlike you." He narrows his eyes in his confusion. I walk off abruptly and he breaks into a jog to catch up with me,

"Okay, whatever. If you don't want to talk about it." He shrugs, although I can tell he wants to,

"I don't." I say sharply, staring straight ahead,

"C'mon, Draco! She probably likes you back."

"Yeah, well. She'll be going back to Beauxbatons at the end of the year."

"So?" I don't reply. When we reach Monsieur Soyer's, I push open the door. The room is small with wooden floorboards and bright yellow furniture.

"Ah, if it isn't my two favourite Hogwartians!" Monsieur Soyer beams as he squeezes us into a bear hug. A short, plump fellow with glorious golden hair, he does look quite odd. The bright yellow suit he wears doesn't make him look any more normal. He clicks his tongue,

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