Sarcasm and promises

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"Draco! 'ow are you?" My fingers tighten around the slip of paper in my pocket.

"Hi Fleur."

"Did everything work out yesterday?" She asks nervously,

"Oh yeah. They're back together."

"Zat's good. I'm so teeribly sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I just thought-"

"It was my fault." I say uncomfortably, twisting my hands together. She looks at me earnestly, her platinum blonde hair falling into her eyes.

"I-I..." I stammer.

Fleur POV:

He looks away nervously, then he shakes his head, flicking his hair out of his eyes. My heart thumps loudly in my chest. I look down at my toes before speaking.

"Draco," I say, the word sliding off my tongue, "Do you...want to go to The Three Broomsticks with me?" I gulp when he is silent and I quickly add,

"To 'elp me with my English...?" I flush bright red.

Draco POV:

I can't believe it. She asked me out. Well...sort of. I can feel my palms growing sweaty and I wipe them hastily on my jeans.

"I...uh..." I curse my sudden loss for words. With anyone else I would confident and snarky. But with Fleur- my guards are down and I'm a nervous wreck. She looks back up at me, her face flushed pink, yet still absolutely stunning.

"If you don't want to, zat is okay-"

"Fleur, I do." I blush, "I mean, I would like to."

"Oh okay." We look at each other, blush, then look away. This happens several times.

"Um...midday tomorrow? Just outside the castle?" I suggest and she smiles,

"Yeah...uh...that'd be great." My fingers brush over the paper and my chest squeezes painfully.

"B-bye." I walk swiftly out, hands shaking.

"She what?!?!" Blaise shrieks, eyes wide.

"Zabini, calm down." I say, even as my insides jump around in joy.

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