Ambiguous tasks and broken relationships

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I stare down into my Butterbeer, trying to block out Blaise's laughter.

"Who. Is. It." I ask through grit teeth,

"Look for yourself." Blaise sniggers and I look around, heart in my throat. Standing in the doorway is none other than dreamy-eyed Luna Lovegood.

"Go on, we had a deal." I can sense the enjoyment in Blaise's voice. He loves winding me up. I stumble to my feet,

"Uh..." I raise my voice, "Loony- I mean Luna, over here!" I slump down into my seat, my face reddening. Luna pushes her Spectrespecs up and looks over towards us.

"Draco?" She says dreamily, brow furrowed in confusion.

"Sit with us...?" I murmur into my Butterbeer, sensing people looking at us. There is a soft thump as she perches on the chair.

"Hi Luna." Blaise can barely hold back his laughter, "Have some Butterbeer?" I glance up in time to see her pull out her wand and flick it sharply.

"Uh...what are you doing?" I can't help but ask. She puts her wand away,

"Checking for potions." She says brightly and something inside my heart twists.

"We wouldn't do that..." even as I say it I know it's not true.

"Mmm." She says thoughtfully, "I don't have time, I'm sorry."

"Time for what?" I ask uneasily,

"To write your Transfiguration essay for you." She says matter-of-factly, taking a small sip of her Butterbeer. My insides twist around,

"What, no! We were just wondering if you wanted to sit with us." Blaise looks a little offended,

"Oh. Pardon my rudeness, but you've been tormenting me for the last four years. I think I had a right to be suspicious."

"Luna!" I see Ginny wave towards her friend and Luna gets up, still clasping her mug of Butterbeer.

"Sorry Draco, Blaise. Oh, here's a copy of the Quibbler." She pulls a magazine out of her satchel and places it on the table. Then she's gone.

"Am I the only one currently feels like shit." Blaise remarks and I thump my fist on the table. I down my Butterbeer and call for another. The next one's gone just as fast as the first.

"Let's just go." I push my chair back, scraping it along the ground. Blaise slaps 8 sickles on the table and follows me out. We are trekking back to Hogwarts when there is a screech and my eagle owl, Gray lands on my arm. I stroke his grey-brown feathers, then notice the letter tied to his leg,

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