Just An Ordinary Demon

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Early morning in the city and the sounds of honking cars and chatter filled the air. A ray of sunshine desperately fought to make its way into the gloomy and dark apartment. An assortment of dark colored clothes lined the floor completely, along with some old take out food boxes that were attracting rodents. Lined across the Navy Blue walls were dirt smudges, claw marks, hole indents and something that resembled dried up blood. This hideous room was only accommodated by an equally hideous man.... Well his personality at least. Selfish, sadistic, domineering and arrogant are just a few of his traits.

Darks POV
"Fucking light dread!". How the hell did that curtain get opened?! "Ughhh!" I sighed as I threw a pillow over my head. I hated the daylight. It was too bright and way to much humans walked up and about too. I much rathered the cold, calm cloak of darkness. Not to many humans and plus it was just a better overall feeling for me." Guess I'll get up then." I shifted(teleported) to the bathroom to brush my teeth and I stared at my reflection....... Sigh.... Why do I even bother to stay in this realm? The underworld wasn't perfect but atleast it wasn't this boring! I'm tired of the same ole rut I've always been in for the last 100 years! Setting my toothbrush down I shifted to the kitchen. I opened my fridge to find some leftover pizza I've had for like a week now, "Huh.... I wonder if it's still good..... Anyway who cares." And with that I ate the last few slices in a couple of bites. Better get ready for the day....." Today feels...oddly...promising..".

It was a busy day as usual at the train station.  Boat loads of humans flock in droves to board this mornings train, shoving and pushing, like the unevolved species they are. I pitied them, such a short span of life they have yet they waste it by killing off each other. I laughed. "And they call my kind evil!". Once I too boarded the train proceeded to move. "I'm so bored in this realm" I thought to myself. "I mean I can literally have any girl I want, but now it's just so boring".I sighed in frustration."Having teleportation (shifting), super strength and persuasion made my life easy in the human world....to easy...nothing comes as a challenge for me.". Ever since I came to their side I've had no problem with attracting human girls...i wonder what they find so irresistible about a demon?? But all of them are the same. A look of grim disgusted washed across my face. They're all so shallow, so easily persuaded by appearances or wealth. That's why I keep it only physical with them. "why talk to each other when we can just fuck and part ways!? Much more easier and less complicated". I agreed. "Another boring day I guess", as I sighed. I scooped out the choses of women on the train to see who I would seduce next. Huh....this blonde keeps staring at me...maybe her..hhmmmm. Nah! At that moment I stopped in my tracks. "Who's that girl?".

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