Just An Ordinary Demon (Part 6)

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Kristy's POV
Some time has past and I still can't believe what happened to me that night. Come to think of it I haven't seen Him since then. I guess it's a good thing....he was totally creepy. *whosh* "Well that's a mean thing to say about me." a voice said so nonchalant. It was Him again, Dark. "W-where did you come from? Who are you? Will you stop stalking me!!" I said as I blasted off from him. I ran down the street and stopped when I arrived by a local store. "Hmm seems I lost him," I went into the store to browse. Then yet again he popped up besides me.
"Hey I would appreciate it if you stop running from me! It's rude." he had such a domineering voice and literally emitted a commanding atmosphere, but also a very humorous demeanor. "Why are stalking me then? And how so you keep appearing out of thin air?".
He walked me home and explained to me about his self. When I asked him why he was stalking me he replied with simply" I don't really know myself"....... Of all the half assed answers he could think of, that's what he says. He even told me that he was a demon, at first I didn't believe him but after he shifted for me I was a believer. I even told him about my accident, I don't know what it is about him but I just feel so comfortable with him. He's moving so close.....i can't help to think back to what happened that night,i begin to blush, why is he acting so normal about this!!!!!!

Darks POV
I walked with her home. Her name is Kristy and she told me about her little brush with death. Oh and let's not forget to mention the damn fact that she has an angels aura surrounding her. So that's why I was so drawn to her. As a demon you would think that we would hate angels right? Wrong! Demons love angels.....love them to death actually. We feed off of them, they're a very rare delicacie of the underworld. They have restaurants where they would find and hunt down fallen angels, just to eat them. I've never had any before myself, but the rumors are that they really are a treat. This girl isn't a full fledged angel though but man does she smell awesome. I don't just wanna eat her, I wanna savor her.....both physically and......sexually. SNAP OUT OF IT DARK!!
She really is beautiful though....i love how flustered she gets when I move in closer to her. It's gonna be fun messing with her. I smile at the thought. We arrive at her apartment.

"Well......Thank you for walking me..... home.." Krissy said. "Oh it was nothing, anyway I'll see you later." Dark said whiles winking at her. Surprised that he didn't try anything Krissy unlocked the door and went inside, only to find Dark laying on her couch. "I knew it was to good to be true, for you to actually leave me alone" she threw down her bag and went into the kitchen. Darks eyes followed her as she walked. He really liked her....he wasn't sure how he was gonna hold himself back but he tried. Krissy opened the cupboard and took out a can soup to cook. "Well I'm to lazy to cook but do you want some soup"  "Nah I'm good, I would never eat such preservatives and artificial flavors.... I might be a demon but this demons got standards."
"Oh really...well suit yourself then.."
Just as Krissy was opening the can,  her finger slipped causing the half opened lid to slice her finger. Smelling the scent of Krissys blood Darks eyes immediately turned black and he shifted right in the back of her. Krissy turned to meet with his eyes and before Dark could help himself he had sticker Krissys half bloody finger in his mouth. He closed his eyes as his lips enclosed around her finger. She felt his tongue swirl around the little wound and gently locked it clean. Both surprised and a little flustered, she yanked her finger out of his mouth and turned around so he wouldn't see her blush. Her face now completely red she made an attempt to go to her room but Dark grabbed her arm. Without saying a word he smashed his lips into hers and grabbed onto her waist. Rubbing and squeezing her butt.
"I can't stop myself anymore...."


Thank you so much for those that are following along😀 it means so much to me that you read it. I was so reluctant to post it but you few are what keeps me positive.

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