chapter ¹⁴

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"Dude? Are you sure she's okay?" Nino asked Adrien while looking at a very messed up y/n.
"I hope she is." He whispered.

Your pov.

I was so lost in thoughts that I even didn't hear Chloe talking to me. That was before she punshed me in the face.
"Hey, could you not! I'm not in the mood to deal with your crap, Chloe." I said turning around, leaving everyone shocked.

I ignored all the comments and went to my class. 
"Okay class you can continue working on your projects." The teacher said.
'Right, the project... Forgot about that.' I thought while Adrien came over to me.

"So did you think about the subject for the project?" He asked me. We could do anything for a project so we did unsolved causes and tried to actually find out what happened.
I nodded and took out my notes.
"I researched stuff about a few people being killed a decade ago." I said showing my notes.
"Yeah me too. I've found out that Hawkmoth killed people too." He said and my eyes widend.
"What did you find?" I asked.
"Well, the one that shocked me the most was this." He showed me a picture of my parents, not knowing it.
"They went missing almost 10 years ago and the police found their blood in the backyard. No sign of the parents and their daughter. They've never found any traces of her so they think she got kidnapped and the parents are dead." He said not noticing the tears in my eyes.

I couldn't stand seeing the image of my parents dying right in front of me. I couldn't even help them back then.

I fought back the tears and told him about my discovery.

"This one caught my eye." I said explaining my story and we went to work.

He said that we could start with my case and then his because we already connected a few dots while I was telling him what happened.

In the middle of the day, right before lunch, we were done with my case. We just started packing when we heard an abnormal loud scream.

'An akuma' I thought. Time to appear but just do nothing.

All the students ran to safety as I ran to the girls bathroom. No one was around so I called Night.

"Y/n? I'm sick. I can't help you today. I'll be better tomorrow." He said and went to sleep in my bag again. I sighed and got out of the bathroom.

I sneaked down the hall trying to escape without being noticed by the akuma.

I reached the locker room. I was about to go inside when a strong hand grabbed me by the neck.

"Trying to escape? Tch, tch. Not a smart move, little girl." The akuma said.

I tried to breath but I couldn't. No I can't die. Not like this. I grabbed my daggers from my bag and sliced in his hand, making him drop me.

"You scum!" The akuma screamed.

The words didn't bother me so I charged at it again and cut his knee.

He screamed in pain but was still left standing. Where was Chat?
The akuma started throwing beams my way but I dodged them.

"Why don't you let me hit you?" He shot an other beam my way and I dodged to late. My chest lit up. I felt all the pain leaving my body but then striking me all at once. It was horrific. Every bad memory played again and again in my head. I tried to stop it but it was like a song on repeat.

I tried to fight whatever was going on but then I lost it. I felt my heart break and I dropped to the ground.

The last memory I saw, were my parents, turning their backs to my and the they dropped to the ground. Their numb bodies being dragged away by Hawkmoths men and me being left alone.


Chats pov

Ohgod. It took me forever to convince Plagg to transform me. I ran out of camembert and he got grumpy.

I ran to the locker room when I saw the akuma shouting at y/n.
"Why don't you let me hit you?" He yelled.
Y/n got surrounded in black. A heart appeared on her shirt and it broke into pieces. She blacked out straight after.

"No! What did you do to her?" I was so mad.
"I made her feel all her pain she's ever felt hit her at once. I'm suprised she's still breathing. She has quite the amount of pain surging through her body. Even more than this whole school together." The akuma yelled.

"No, that's impossible!" I shouted. I ran her way and picked her up bridal style.
The heart on her shirt kept breaking. All the pieces formed more and nore smaller and kept spreading.

"You should her before there's nothing left." The guy yelled.

"Why would you do that you, you..." I couldn't even find the right words. It hurt me so much to so her laying there.

"The name's Painkiller. Because I kill people with their own pain." Painkiller said.
(An: I know the name sucks but hey, its late and I didnt got my croissants this morning.)

"No! Bring her back!" I yelled charging at the guy. I kicked him in the guts and send him flying to the wall. I leaped over to him and hit him in the face, knocking him out.

I took his hat and called ladybug.
"Where are you?" I asked her.
"Right behind you." She sounded pissed.
She came walking my way and stepped on y/ns stomach and didn't even care.

"Hey, could you not do that? We're supposed to protect the civilians not hurting them." I said throwing the akuma on the ground.

She purified it and left.

"What's up with her?" I asked myself wondering what the hell was wrong with ladybug.

The purrfect nightsky [Chat Noir X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now