Chapter 24 -- This maze called the Friendzone

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"Della, are you crazy?" Jonas asks. Yet, he still climbs out of his window.

"Jonas?" I stare at him.

He sighs, "Did I forget pants?"

I chuckle, "No. Just shoes." How many times has he walked out of his house without pants though? He jumps back through the window to slip on his shoes. When he jumps out again, he claps his hands together, ready to go.

Something in his facial expression changes. All of a sudden, he looks upset with himself.

"Sometimes I wish I was the one with super speed. That way I could carry you on all of our adventures." He shakes his head, looking away from me.

I slip his hand in mine, "We don't have to be supers tonight," Kingsville isn't too far away if we drive. We begin to walk around the house.

"My parents will hear my truck if we start it now." He comments.

I smirk, "Put it in neutral. We'll push it down the driveway and down the street."

He stops in his tracks, and turns to face me. "Della Abram, have you gone mad?" He speaks with a British accent, quoting from Alice in Wonderland.

With a wide smile on my face, I respond in a British accent as well. "I'm afraid so. But let me tell you something, the best people usually are."

That use to be our favorite game in middle school; guess the movie. We all played endless hours of games when we were younger. That was my favorite. Jonas, Ash, and myself all quickly picked up each other's preferred movies.

I miss the simpler days.

"Okay," Jonas snaps me out of my daze, "I'll put the car in neutral. Just know that since we're on a slight hill, it may start rolling back." He whispers.

They see me rollin', they hatin'...


I look up, "Hmm?"

He laughs at me, "Focus."

That's odd. I'm typically the one to tell him that.

With the driver door open and one foot out of the truck, he shifts the truck into neutral. Suddenly it starts to roll back and I press against it so it won't get away before Jonas can help me.

He scurries to the back of the truck to assist me, but I'm loosing traction and I'm not much help anymore. Jonas lets the truck roll on its own a little and catches it again. Then we clear the hill and we're on level pavement.

Pushing it down the street is the next difficult part, but we manage to complete it. I chose the wrong shoes for this occasion. My white Keds slip against the pavement, which is odd because the pavement isn't even wet.

Once we finally reach the end of the street, Jonas falls against the truck.

"That was harder than I thought. I need to get in shape."

I poke at his stomach, "Round is a shape." He squints at me with fake hatred.

"Come on, let's go destroy the power drainer." He starts to walk to the driver side door and I jump into the passenger side.

For the first couple of minutes, silence fills the cab of the truck. We both know sneaking out wasn't the most honest thing we could've done, but what we're doing is for the good of the town. It just happens to be really early in the morning and more secretive. But if we had done this during the daylight, Red Raven would've caught us.

"Wanna listen to the radio?" Jonas suggests. He reaches out to turn it on.

I chuckle, "Is there anything good on at three a.m.?"

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