The Ultimate Journey Begins!

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Just to make my life easier I'm gonna make you're team

Welcome to the world of Pokémon! I am Augustine Sycamore, the Kalos region's very own Pokémon professor. This world of ours is widely inhabited by creatures known as Pokémon! These mysterious creatures can be found in every corner of our world... some run across the plains, others fly through the skies and others yet swim deep in the oceans. We live together with these Pokémon, lending our strength to one another to live and prosper. Your journey begins now so enjoy the world of Pokémon!

I was woken up by Fletchling diving at me. I groaned slightly and jumped put of bed and got dressed before heading downstairs "morning Y/N!" Mom chirped as I entered the kitchen "morning mom" I replied "you sure slept well! All rested up from the move?" She questioned "sure am!" I laughed "well then you better get going! Why don't you step outside and say hello to the neighbours" she suggested, I nodded before eating breakfast. Once I finished, I grabbed by backpack "bye mom!" I shouted before exiting the house, "welcome to Vanville town! My name's Calem I'm your neighbour." Calem said happily, he had black hair mostly covered by a red hat, and he was wearing mostly blue "and I'm Shauna! Great to meet you! Guess what? We've come to get you!" Shauna exclaimed "the esteemed Professor Sycamore lives here in the Kalos region. I was told he had a request for 5 kids including us, but I'm a little surprised he knows who you are. You did just move here after all, that and you're almost and adult" Calem chuckled "my mom and the professor know each other, she probably told him that we were coming" I told them "that's awesome! We'll wait for you in the next town over! And guess what?! We're all going to get a Pokémon! C'mon hurry! Let's go!" Shauna squealed before she and Calem ran off.

Not long after, I headed over to Aquacorde town. "Hey, Y/N! This way! Over here!" Someone shouted, it was Shauna. She was sat at a table with Calem and two other boys, I walked over and took a seat. "This is the meeting place Y/N, here let me introduce you. Everyone this is Y/N" Calem told the other two boys. "Wow, Shauna's description was spot on!" One of them laughed "so, Y/N this is Tierno. He's got some serious dance moves and this is Trevor. He never misses a single question on his test but he's a little shy" Calem told me "all right! Nice to meet ya!" Tierno said to me "it's nice to meet you too!" I smiled at Tierno and Trevor "you know it'd feel like we're a closer crew if we call each other by nicknames! Can I call you the Y/N Meister?" Tierno asked "what?! No way! She's a lil' Y/N for sure!" Shauna exclaimed "what do you think Trevor?" Shauna asked the ginger haired boy "what?! You want me to nickname someone just met? Shauna you shouldn't put people on the spot like that. Well... how about something low key? Maybe... something like big Y/N?" Trevor recommended "why don't you decide what we should call you" Calem told me. "Uhm how about AwesomesauceY/N (hehehe)" I told them "that fits perfectly" Shauna chirped "hey can we see the Pokémon now? I want to meet my new partner" Shauna said to Tierno.

"I know right? It was such a cool feeling when Trevs and I met our Pokémon! Hope you feel the same way we did!" Tierno replied before taking out 3 Pokéballs, there was the fire-type Fennekin, the water-type Froakie and the grass-type Chespin! They all looked adorable, I chose the fire-type Fennekin! Shauna chose Chespin and so Calem chose Froakie "I have something for you from the professor as well. I have something that will help you understand Pokémon on a much deeper level" Trevor told us before giving me, Calem and Shauna a Pokédex. "Um so you see, the Pokédex I just gave you is a high tech device that automatically records the Pokémon you encounter. The reason you get one is because the professor wants us to go on a journey with our Pokémon and complete the Pokédex. To put it another way, it's an important mission for the professor I'm sure of it!" Trevor told us, Tierno then gave me a letter from professor Sycamore. He and Trevor then took off to look for Pokémon, I quickly dashed home to give the letter to my mom. She gave me the Kalos region map, some spare clothes and wished me good luck for my journey! She's the best mom ever!

When I got back Shauna challenged me to my first Pokémon battle! "Fennekin let's start this off with ember!" I told my partner, the fiery attack hit Chespin who then counter attacked with tackle, Fennekin finished the battle with another ember attack causing Chespin to faint. "That was great fun!" Shauna laughed before healing up both of our Pokémon, all three of us then headed to Santalune forest. I caught my first wild Pokémon which was a Pidgey! I battled a kid called Joey who had a Zigzagoon, he had trained it well that's for sure. Whilst we were walking through the forest to get to Santalune city I caught a Scatterbug, a Pansear and a Fletchling! Things are going well so far it seems. "What are you all going to do?" Shauna asked as we entered the city "why look for Pokémon of course!" Trevor answered "I bet different Pokémon will use different moves, I sure wanna see a lot of moves!" Tierno laughed "what about you Serena?" Shauna asked "I'm going to Santalune city's gym to challenge the gym leader, that's how trainers become aware of their battling skills" Calem told us before heading towards the main town area. "I'm gonna spend time with my lil' Chespin what are you going to do Y/N?" Shauna asked "the same as Calem I guess, see you later guys!" I yelled after running towards the main city. I battled all Pokémon trainers I came across including one who took me to the gym. I know it's my first day but my Pokémon have been training hard already, it's time to get my first gym badge!

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