Kanto Starter And Mysterious Lysandre!

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"You picked Squirtle, then! I see that's simply wonderful! Since you chose Squirtle, I'll give you this Mega Stone, it's a Blastoisinite!" He told me before giving the beautiful stone, "come, now you two. Pick your Pokémon." Professor Sycamore said to Calem and Shauna  "I don't know which one to pick it's so difficult!" Shauna whined "you'll be together for a long time, so just take your time" Calem told her "well I've got a feeling everyone else will show up soon." Professor Sycamore said and as by magic Tierno and Trevor walked in. "Hi professor!" Tierno greeted "wonderful! Everyone's all here! So now that we're all here, I'd like to say a few words. Be the best trainer you can be! At the same time, remember to have fun traveling with your Pokémon! Also, I want to ask for your help in solving the Kalos region's biggest Pokémon mystery: the secret and potential of Mega Evolution, a new kind of evolution that occurs in battle! That's why I gave you that Mega Stone just now. It's an important clue!" Professor Sycamore informed us "Mega Evolution? What should we do about the Pokédex?" Trevor questioned "Trevor, my lad, if that's what 'best trainer' means to you, then I want you to go out there and complete that Pokédex!" Professor Sycamore answered "Mega Evolution sounds really interesting!" Serena chimed "if you're investigating Mega Evolution, why don't you check out Camphrier town? That town has a lot of history you might find a hint there! Now listen. If you visit ,any different places to complete the Pokédex, you will probably see Pokémon with many ways of living and meet people with many ways of thinking. First, accept the ways of living and thinking that sometimes conflict with your own. And think about what's really important this will truly broaden your horizons" the Professor told us.

He then told us that we were welcome to stay or leave, I said bye to the others and went back down to the first floor to see that Sina was talking to a man dressed in a black suit with very big red hair. "So, I will be able to meet them soon then" the man stated "yes" Sina replied "the children chosen by the Professor...I wonder what potential they have." The man wondered "and here's one now, Y/N come here for a sec" Sina chimed as she spotted me, I walked over to the two "oh! You received a Pokédex from the professor then. How wonderful! That is a wonderful thing indeed, you are one of the chosen ones. I am Lysandre, I've tried to learn as much as possible about Pokémon so I can help to build a brighter future. Professor Sycamore has taught me so much! Oh, I see you also have a holocaster! Knowledge is power after all. Put it to good use. Now listen! It is vital that this world becomes a better place. And the people and Pokémon chosen to make the world better must work tirelessly to achieve this goal. Well I'll be off, please give Professor Sycamore my best. My desire... it is for a more beautiful world!" Lysandre told us both before leaving the lab. "Still...I wonder what kind of beautiful world Lysandre desires. In this great big Kalos region there are many different Pokémon. I hope getting a Pokédex gives you a chance to learn about them." Sina told me before everybody else emerged from the elevator, "Y/N, there's this place I wanna check out! So I'll see you around" Shauna told me "right, see ya later Shauna" I smiled before she waved and left "there's something I want to talk to you about. I'll be waiting for you in café Soleil, neighbour!" Calem said before running out "I wonder what Calem wants to talk about. Why can't she just use the holo caster?" Trevor asked "beats me, whatever it is sounds important though so I'll see you guys later!" I laughed before leaving.

After going through what seemed the endless number of cafés, I finally found the one Calem was waiting outside of. We walked and Lysandre was there talking to a woman "it's Lysandre and is that Diantha?" He questioned  "who's Diantha? And what's the big deal about Lysandre, on my way hear it seemed as though everyone was talking about him" I told Calem  "Lysandre is head of Lysandre labs which created the holo caster and Diantha is one of the most famous movie stars in the world! I'm surprised you didn't know that" he laughed "but still I wonder what the two of them are doing here together" Calem thought out loud "well maybe we should sit at a table near them and listen to what they're talking about" I suggested "heh yeah, sounds like something a spy would do" Calem chuckled before we sat down and ordered some drinks. "You played a young girl so wonderfully in your debut on the silver screen. Wouldn't you rather remain young and beautiful forever and always play such roles?" Lysandre questioned "what a strange question. Why would I play the same old roles forever? Youth may be beautiful but it's not all there is to life. Everything changes. I want to live like that, too. So I look forward to playing different roles as I get older" Diantha answered. "You were chosen to be a movie star correct? Isn't it your duty to be ever beautiful? Everything beautiful should stay that way forever. I would end the world in an instant so that beauty never fades, I can't stand the thought of the world becoming uglier. Oh, hello Y/N. This is Diantha, one of the most accomplished movie stars in Kalos. She moves the multitudes with her excellent acting, which is to say she dedicates her life to making others happy oh! If only everyone was like her, what a beautiful world this would be! If you'll excuse me" Lysandre said before exiting the café. Why is h so obsessed with the world's beauty? He's so mysterious, it's bizarre.

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