Arriving at Shalour City!

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I decided to follow him to Geosenge town , I'm gonna stop em from doing their bad guy things, I don't know what they're plan is yet but it's definatley not good! "Geosenge town is the town of stones" the Team Flare guy chimed he said before running somewhere, I tried to follow him but he completley disappeared! "Where'd he go?" I questioned, I looked around a little more and found him again, he was near a path behind some of the houses I walked towards him but he spotted me "hear this, pip-squeak! Team Flare is gonna use the stones on route 10 and a fantastic treasure to make everyone on our team happy! In this world, the ones who have power are the ones who win with flair!" He said before running off again "Y/N!" Someone shouted, it was Calem. He ran towards me and looked around "was someone from Team Flare here just now?" He asked "yeah but he ran off somewhere" I answered "well up ahead there's only a dead end, I wonder where that Team Flare guy went" he said before walking away. I walked up the path and saw the dead end that Calem was talking about and the Team Flare guy was no where to be seen! "Weird" I mumbled, there was nothing I could do about it now so I headed back to the main town and went to head up to route 11.

"Lucario! What are you doing?!" Someone shouted, it was Korrina the woman with two Lucarios. One of her Lucarios probably the one who likes me came running up to me with her close behind, "hey! You're that trainer from route 5" she said before Lucario growled lightly "I'm not exactly sure but  I think Lucario is saying it wants to battle with you, I have two Lucario, but do you know which one has taken a shine to you? Would you battle us?" She asked "sure, let's start!" I said confidently before she sent out one of her Lucario "Braixen let's go! Use Flame Charge!" I exclaimed, Braixen used the super effective attack and made Lucario fainted, one down, one more to go! Korrina sent out her other Lucario, "alright Braixen, let's finish this battle with Fire Spin!" I declared, the attack hit 3 times and Lucario fainted because it was yet again super effective! "Wha-what?! Not even my Lucario duo could stand up to you! Ok! Now I get it, I see why Lucario likes you so much! So, do you remember that I'm the Gym leader in Shalour city?" She asked "I do now, I'm heading to Shalour city now actually" I told her "well once you get past the cave just beyond here you'll be there, I'll be waiting for you" she said before skating away, I wonder if her specialty is fighting types?

I walked through route 11 before I got to reflecting cave, this must be the cave she was talking about. I was about to enter the cave before my holocaster went off, it was from Professor Sycamore. "Hello there! Looks like you've almost made it to Shalour city! That's fantastic! It looks like your journey with your Pokémon around the Kalos region is going swimmingly! I wanted to tell you about a person in Shalour who knows a great deal about Mega Evolution. People call him the Mega Evolution guru, I've told everyone else about him, so if you have a second, you should give him a visit!" The Professor told me before the clip ended, I better get going then so I can see the Mega Evolution guru and learn something about Mega Evolution and so I can battle Korrina again! I wandered through the cave, it was beautiful! There was also a lot of trainers and a lot of new Pokémon which I caught, I exited the cave and had arrived in Shalour city! There was a huge tower in the town, maybe that's where the Mega Evolution guru is, I went to the Pokémon centre to fix everyone up before going there though.

I was about to go up a small set of stairs which led to the sandy area where the tower was when somebody called me, "hey AwesomeY/N! How's your journey going?" Tierno asked "it's going great Tierno, I just got my second gym badge from Grant, the Cyllage city gym leader" I told him proudly "way to go Y/N" he congratulated me "let's compare our coastal Kalos Pokédexes and see who has seen more kinds of Pokémon! To put it another way, I'm challenging you to my own kind of Pokémon battle" he told me "ok, that's sounds fun" I laughed before handing him my Pokédex "let's've seen 47 different kinds of Pokémon, I lost" he sighed sadly before returning my Pokédex "oh! I just remembered, the Professor told us to go see the Mega Evolution guru" Trevor told us "right! Let's go there now" I replied "yeah, oh here Y/N I wanted to give you this" Tierno said before handing me an intriguing stone "I want you to have it because you're a great trainer and all, I still remember our battle on route 5, we're gonna look around a bit more see ya" he laughed "thank you Tierno, that's really nice of you, I'll see you later" I smiled before I headed to the tower of mastery. When we walked in, the first thing we saw was a massive statue of Lucario but it looked a little different to a regular Lucario maybe it's Lucario's Mega Evolution.

There was a green door at the bottom of the statue, I walked through and saw Korrina and somebody else. "Oh? You must be Y/N, then. Sycamore told me you would be coming, I'm called the Mega Evolution guru, you could say I'm an acquaintance of his. Oh, but Mega Evolution isn't my real name of course. Now come here for a moment will you" he requested I walked up towards him and Korrina "hm? Only one of you? I thought he gave five kids a Pokédex, isn't there anyone else with you?" He asked, before I could answer Tierno and Trevor walked in, "who's that you're talking to AwesomeY/N?" Tierno asked "this is the Mega Evolution guru" I told them "oh right, my name is Tierno" he said introducing himself "my name is Trevor" Trevor added. "Pleased to meet you, Sycamore's pupils! But there are still only three of you?" The guru asked "hey, have you two see Calem or Shauna?" I asked "nope, haven't seen them" Tierno answered "neither have I" Trevor replied, I wonder where they are? Sycamore did tell everyone. "What's this now? Were you the one who found that intriguing stone?" The guru asked, "no, it was gi-" "Y/N found it earlier on her way here, right Y/N?" Tierno asked "well who found it doesn't really matter, what's important is that you were honest. If you tell lies, the truth is clouded and eventually lost... And while we're being honest that intriguing stone is just an ordinary rock" he told us "oh man and I thought it was something cool" Tierno sighed "hey, don't worry about it Tierno, besides it's the thought that counts I still like it" I told him.

"Hm? Sure a lot of hubbub out there. Does that mean everyone has arrived?" The guru asked before he walked outside "hey there!  So you made it to Shalour city! Lucario is in his ball Poké ball, but it's really happy to see you! Well, we should go see what's going on, too!" Korrina said before we walked outside and met up with Calem, Shauna and the guru. "AwesomeY/N!" Shauna chimed "hi Shauna" I said happily "how are your Pokémon?" Calem asked, they're all doing great" I told him "it feels like it's been some time since our whole group has gathered in one place." Trevor noted "yeah. I think it's been since we met up on route 7. Mr Mega Evolution Guru, I've been wondering this whole time. Who is that standing over there?" Tierno asked "this is my granddaughter Korrina. She's the Shalour City gym leader. So, Sycamore's pupils. Now that you're all here I suppose I should explain Mega Evolution to you, I assume you all know about Pokémon evolution?" He asked "I know! I know! Um.. you have your Pokémon battle a lot and they grow stronger and evolve! Oh, and there are Pokémon that evolve with certain items" Shauna explained. "Some Pokémon evolve through friendship and others only evolve in certain places" Calem added "exactly! And it's likely that Pokémon evolve in a lot of other ways as well! But Mega Evolution is an evolution that transcends all other evolution!" Korrina exclaimed "Mega Evolution is a trans formation of Pokémon that were thought to be unable to evolve any further! It's a whole new level of power!" The guru told us "so in an evolution line like Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard... Does that mean Charizard would be able to evolve further?" Trevor asked.

The guru told us that Mega Evolution was only a temporary transformation, it required two items. A key stone which was inside something called a Mega ring and a Mega stone and the most important element was the trust between trainer and Pokémon. The guru told us he only had only one Mega ring and that among us we had to decide who would get it, Tierno, Trevor and Shauna didn't want it so it was between me and Calem and the only way to settle this was through a Pokémon battle!

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