First Gym Battle And Meeting The Professor!

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I quickly bought some potions and antidotes before heading to the bug type gym. I quickly defeated the other trainers, they had a Ledyba, a Spewpa, a Kakuna and a Combee. Now it was time to face the gym leader Viola, I walked up to her ready for battle! "That determined expression... that glint in your eye says that you're up to the challenge. It's fantastic! Just fantastic! This must be your first time challenging a gym! Fantastic! Whether it's the tears of frustration that follow a loss or a blossoming of joy comes with a victory... they're both great subjects for my camera! Fantastic! This'll be just fantastic! Now come at me! My lens is always focused on victory I won't let anything ruin this shot!" She declared before our battle begun. She started off with Surskit, Scatterbug began with stun spore hitting Skurskit dead on! Skurskit countered with bubble, Scatterbug continued damaging Skurskit by using tackle until Skurskit used bubble causing my Pokémon to faint. I then threw out Pansage and used play nice and leer to lower Skurskit's attack and defence power, Skurskit attacked with bubble a few time and Pansear fainted. I threw out Fennekin and attacked with scratch which now did a lot of damage! Viola used a potion but after two more scratches Skurskit fainted and Viola took out her other Pokémon Vivillion, it attacked Fennekin with infestation which was a continuous attack but it didn't do much damage. After three ember attacks Vivillion was down and we had won our first gym battle! "You and your Pokémon have shown me a whole new depth of field! Fantastic! Just Fantastic! Young trainer it wasn't you alone. You and your Pokémon have shown me a whole new depth of field! Fantastic! Just fantastic!" She exclaimed before awarding me with the bug badge and TM83 Infestitation! I exited the gym with a proud smile on my face!

I then met Alexa, Viola's sister who congratulated me on my victory and then gave me Exp. share. She then walked off, I headed to the Pokémon centre to heal my Pokémon after the tough battle with Viola, it was definatley a close one. It just means we all have to train harder I have complete faith in my Pokémon, I know we haven't been together for long but I feel like we already have a strong bond! I looked at the map and saw that the nearest town was Lumiose City, the capital of Kalos and home to professor Sycamore's lab! I caught a few more Pokémon and recorded there data on my Pokédex. When I approached the gate two people faced me "hello there! Have you ever heard of a Pokémon called Flabébé?" One of them asked "no, I haven't" I answered "so, you haven't seen one yet, well that's something you can look forward too!" The same person told me "Flabébé is--now brace yourself-- a fairy type Pokémon!" The other told me "this turned the entire type match-up system on its head. And we've been battling fairy type Pokémon against other types of Pokémon at Professor Sycamore's request" they added. "My name's Sina! It's a beautiful name for a beautiful lady!" Sina told me "I'm Dexio. Two years ago, Professor Sycamore entrusted me with a Pokédex. You could call me a Pokémon voyage veteran" Dexio said "if you'd like, I'll show you the way to the lab. So come along now!" Sina told me before we walked through the route gate.

Dexio and Sina brought me to the lab. "You've travelled a long way from Vaniville town. The Professor can't wait to meet you, you can find him on the third floor so hop in the elevator" Sina told me. I entered the elevator and went to the third floor, I stepped out and saw a man in a lab coat he must be Professor Sycamore. "So, we finally meet!" He said, smiling brightly "come this way, won't you?" He requested before we walked to his desk "many thanks for coming all this way from Vaniville town! I'm Professor Sycamore! It's a pleasure to finally meet you! How's your Pokémon journey going so far? Have you met many different Pokémon?" HE questioned "so far I'm doing great, and so far I have caught a few Pokémon" I laughed "fantastic! Let me have a quick look at your Pokédex and see!" He requested before I gave him my Pokédex " you've seen 28 kinds of Pokémon in Central Kalos, then. Oh ho! These pages are getting filled in. It's starting to look good! I see you've also received your first gym badge! Well now, you do definatley have a certain je ne sais quoi! I have a good feeling about you! At first, I was thinking of only choosing one child from a town when I was deciding who to give a Pokémon to. In Vaniville town, it was going to be the child of a veteran trainer I know, about then I learned that the Rhyhorn racer M/N and her daughter were moving here. Here in the Kalos region, you're far away from everything you used to know. That really hit me, then it hit me that I should give you a Pokémon and have you travel around Kalos!" He chuckled 

"Hi Professor! It's me Shauna!" Shauna exclaimed before joining me and Professor Sycamore "sorry to have kept you waiting" Calem apologised "no need to apologise! Now let's have a Pokémon battle shall we? Your opponent will be me!" Professor Sycamore declared before the battle begun, his first Pokémon was Bulbasaur! I smiled slightly at the familiar Pokémon I sent out Fennekin "Fennekin attack with flame charge!" I requested, the attack was supper effective and Bulbasaur fainted my next opponent was Squirtle. I returned Fennekin and sent out Pansage and he attacked with vine whip, Squirtle countered with tackle but it didn't much damage after another vine whip Squirtle fainted. The last Pokémon Professor Sycamore sent out was Charmander so I sent out my Fennekin, why not fight fire with fire? He attacked with flame charge twice and the battle was over! That's when Fennekin evolved into Braixen! "Tres bien! A fantastic battle, I've never seen a Pokémon evolve this soon after meeting it's trainer you two must definatley have a special bond!" Professor Sycamore told me "you are an interesting trainer indeed! It'd be fantastic if you took another Pokémon with you to complete your team! Here! Pick one!" He told me before presenting Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle to me, hmm which one should I choose?

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