Waking Up Snorlax And Battle Chateau!

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We located the Furfrou in the maze in the garden, with a bit of work we managed to corner it and return it to its owner. "Oh! My dear Furfrou! My beloved Furfrou! Could you two be the ones responsible for my wonderfrou reunion with my dear Furfrou?" The owner questioned "yep" I answered "how wonderfrou indeed! It's marvelous, simply marvelous! A situation like this demands fireworks! We shall put on a show--boom, boom! My Pokémon and I have been reunited! Our bond has been proven! We'll commemorate this joyous occasion with a tremendous fireworks display! And it will also serve as a reward for the tiny bit of trouble you went to. Rendezvous at the balcony. You can reach the balcony from the hall with mirrors in the second floor" he told us before walking back towards his palace "let's go! I love fireworks, this is gonna be so cool!" Shauna chimed "well we better hurry before we miss them" I laughed, in a matter of seconds we were on the balcony, "um... you know I've never watched fireworks alone with a friend before." Shauna muttered "me neither" I replied "we haven't even seen them but I know I'll never forget these fireworks! Cause I watched them with you Y/N" she told me, I nodded in agreement then the show started. They were all different colours, and they made amazing patterns they were truly beautiful.

"Wow! That was amazing! I never ever want to forget this, so I'll keep this memory in an album in my heart" Shauna told me "of course! If you put memories of all your friends there you'll never forget us or all the things we've done! I think sometimes people doubt how strong the heart truly is" I said smiling lightly at the words my father once told me. The owner walked towards "and that was my wonderfrou fireworks show for my Furfrou!" He told us "oh! I almost forgot!" Shauna exclaimed "oh, yeah the Pokéflute! Could we please use it?" I asked the owner kindly "*sigh* the Pokéflute huh... go get it" the owner told his butler who dashed off. "It was Shabboneau castle's treasure but I took it as payment for a loan. A rich guy like me and a common person like that just didn't go together." He told us before the butler came back with the Pokéflute, he then gave us the flute "listen you two! Always return what you've borrowed that's very important!" He told us before leaving, when he left the butler gave me TM17 Protect "thank you" we chimed before returning to the bridge, the original owner of the flute woke the Snorlax up then got ready to attack, I sent out Braixen who attacked with Psybeam. I did it about 4 times before throwing a great ball, luckily it worked and I now had a Snorlax in my party!

The palace owner and the Furfrou appeared again "the only thing I can do with that Pokéflute is put it on display. But you've been playing since you were little and the tone is lovely. It seems my Furfrou also likes the sound of that flute. Not as much as it likes my beautiful wonderfrou fireworks of course! I'll let you take care of that flute so be sure to practice more" he told us before returning to his palace. I returned the flute to him, he thanked us then walked away, I continued walking alone when Tierno and Trevor ran up to me. "Hey Y/N. Trevs said he wanted to check out the Pokémon Day Care. Come with us!" Tierno begged "sure, I was just about to anyway" I told him, we entered the day care. They told me that if I leave two Pokémon here I might get an egg, after that Tierno and Trevor left again. I skated towards another castle as I was now heading to Ambrette town which was on the other side of a cave full of Zubat. Out of no where Trevor appeared and told me it was the battle Chateau a famous place where trainers gather to improve their skills. I entered the chateau and was greeted by Viola! "Oh, hello Y/N what's your title in the nobility?" She asked "er I don't have one" I laughed nervously "that's a surprise. No one could doubt that a young adult as strong as you should have one. Your title here shows everyone how strong you are. Only a handful of trainers can join the ranks of nobility and earn these titles" she told me. I was then given the title Baroness, the more people I battled the higher I would be in the ranks. I stuck around for a while and battled a few of the other Barons and Baroness' before continuing to Ambrette town.

Before that however I went to the Pokémon centre and deposited my Vivillon, I took the tunnel on the left as the other one was blocked of by a giant rock. When I made it route 8 I met Sina and Dexio again "ah haha! We didn't mean to surprise you! How are you and Braixen doing?" Dexio asked "we're doing great! We just came from the battle Chateau!" I told them "I see that's a good place to go fro training! Anyway we're here to upgrade your Pokédex!" Sina told me, before Dexio politely took it and started doing something before handing it back "now you can get information on Pokémon from coastal Kalos! We'll be going now Bon voyage!" Sina laughed before the two left me. I made my way from the hills and grass towards the city, I'd also caught an Absol, when I got to the stairs just before the Pokémon centre Calem skated up to me "Hey, neighbor! This is Ambrette Town, you go through the aquarium to get to Cyllage town. But first, we should go to the fossil lab and have them tell us about fossils, maybe we'll learn something about those mysterious stones related to Mega Evolution." He said to me "sounds like a good idea, race ya!" I laughed before skating to the lab, Calem was right behind me but I totally won! "heh you win this time but next time you won't be so lucky" he joked before we entered the lab.

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