Mega Evolution!

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Calem sent out his Meowstic, none of my Pokémon were going to be super effective but I still have faith and trust in them! "Fletchinder let's go! Attack with steel wing" I told it, the attack took out a third of Meowstic's health, Calem counter attacked with disarming voice, Fletchinder attacked with steel wing but this time it was a critical hit, one more hit and it should faint! Meowstic used disarming voice again but it didn't do much and after Fletchinder's last steel wing it fainted. Calem sent out Frogadier, I sent out Vivillion and used stun spore, Frogadier couldn't move! Vivillion used solar beam and Frogadier fainted! A one hit K.O! Calem's next Pokémon was Absol so I kept Vivillion out and attacked with bug bite doing half damage, Absol used quick attack but Vivillion avoided the attack and finished the battle with another bug bite!

"Your bonds with your Pokémon are really strong. I don't like losing much but...I'm sure you'll be able to Mega Evolve your Pokémon" Calem told me, before I could receive the Mega ring, I had to beat Korrina in a gym battle at her gym. I quickly went over there whilst the others went back to doing their own thing. The inside of the gym looked awesome! To get to Korrina I had to skate there and face the other trainers! Once that was done I stood in front of Korrina, ready for our battle! "I already know you're a strong trainer, so let's get this show on the road" she told me before sending out Mienfoo, it was a fighting type Pokémon so I was right about her speciality "Braixen let's go! Use Psybeam!" I shouted and Mienfoo had already fainted, I didn't expect Braixen to be that strong just yet! Her next Pokémon was Machoke, it was nice to see some familiar Pokémon. Machoke used rock tomb and halved Braixen's health, I continued to attack with Psybeam and again Machoke fainted after the first attack! Korrina's last Pokémon was Hawlucha, a fighting, flying type, Braixen finished the battle with another Psybeam and  had won my third gym badge!

"Here's your badge, you'll be rolling in em' soon!" Korrina laughed before handing me the rumble badge and she also gave me the TM power up punch, "you'll have to make it up to the top of the Tower of Mastery if you want them Mega ring, I'm sorry for sending you this way and that. I swear, I'm not giving you the run around! You've done great rolling with the punches. So great that I'd like ask you a favor" she said to me, "of course what is it?" I asked "battle me again won't you? But this time it won't be a gym battle, it'll be between equals as two trainers who can use Mega Evolution! I'll be waiting for you at the top of the tower with Lucario" she told me before skating away. I headed back to the tower, Shauna and the guru were there waiting for me "oh! Korrina, I mean the Mega Evolution successor is waiting for you at the top of the tower" the guru told me, I began walking up the long stair case and battled the trainers that I came across until I reached the top and faced Korrina once more! "I really love this place! When I'm here with my Pokémon looking at the wide-open sky above, all my worries disappear, and I feel like I can do anything! Thanks for coming all the way up here. It was decided that this must be the place where the Mega ring is handed over. Something about making sure we never forget to set our sights as high as the sky. And here it is-- your very own Mega ring, it's in the shape of a bracelet so it's super easy to wear!" She told me before giving me the bracelet which I put on my wrist "thank you Korrina" I said to her "no problem, you've earned it. Give your Pokémon the right Mega stone and try battling with it! Your Pokémon will surely answer the call of the Mega ring! Hmm? Lucario what's wrong?" She questioned before he ran towards me.

"Lucario are you sure? You want to battle alongside that trainer?" She asked, he barked in reply "I don't know what to say...I'm a bit shocked that some training traveler seems to have a stronger bond with you than I do... Haha! Well she must be something special! So whaddya say trainer? Will you and Lucario battle against me and my Lucario. They both have a Lucarionite in hand how about we get this show on the road?" She asked "alright! Lucario, let's go!" I exclaimed my Mega ring began glowing, both Lucarios were surrounded by light, when the light disappeared the Lucarios looked different like the statue downstairs, it was Mega Lucario! "Wow, you look amazing Lucario! Let's attack with power up punch!" I shouted, the attack hit and left the other Mega Lucario with a third of health left, the other Lucario also used power up punch and did the same amount of damage "Lucario let's finish this with another power up punch!" I shouted, the attack hit and Korrina's Lucario fainted "what an explosive battle! I could tell that both Mega Lucario didn't hold anything back! With strong bonds like that, you shouldn't have any trouble triggering your Pokémon's Mega Evolution! I think it'd be best if you took that Lucario with you on your journey" she told me "are you sure?" I asked her "yes I'm sure. It's quite apparent that you two make a truly incredible team!" She told me.

"Welcome to the team Lucario!" I said and petted him, which he seemed to enjoy. We then went back down to the bottom of the stairs, and I left the tower and was ready to head to Courmaline city. "Y/N!" Calem yelled behind me "hey Calem" I said to him "here to take this" he said before giving me the HM surf "thanks Calem, this'll be handy" I told him "don't worry about it. If you use surf you can travel over water. I'll challenge you to battle again sometime. That's the best way to get strong after all" he told me before walking through the route tunnel. Before I went through I got a message on my holo caster, it was from Lysandre! "Hello Y/N, I was hoping you could meet me at Lysandre café. I would love to meet you again, I'll be there by waiting for you" he said before the clip ended, I wonder why he wants to see me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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