Cyllage City Gym Battle!

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Current Team: Braixen, Wartortle, Vivillon, Fletchinder and Tyrunt

I was exploring Cyllage city and training my Pokémon to ensure we were ready for the next gym battle which specialised in rock types. I walked in to a store to see what it was selling "oh! Oh, oh, oh! Welcome! Welcome! Come right this way!" The shop clerk chimed,  I walked over to the desk "what timing you have young miss! You are our 10,000...and first customer! Yes, lucky you! You are number 10,001! However if you'd been customer 10,000 then you could've gotten a bicycle for free but... as a runner up you still have a chance to win a bicycle by answering our quiz correctly! Your question is: do bicycles come in more than one colour?" He asked me "yes they do" I answered "...congratulations! You've won! Which colour bicycle would you like yellow or green?" The clerk asked again "uhm, I'll have (colour choice) please!" I requested "a wonderful choice indeed!" He replied before giving me my new bike, I thanked him and left the store. Because I wasn't leaving yet I folded the bike up and put it in my rucksack, it was surprisingly light! I'm surprised I could fold it in to such a small size in the first place! I went to the Pokémon center and healed everyone before going to the gym, it's time to get my second gym badge!

I skated my way up the hill towards the gym when I was stopped by someone, it was a young man, he had what looked like coloured stones in his black hair. "Oh dear... if you're here for the bicycle race I'm afraid you're too late. The race is over and I took first place, I feel bad that you missed it. Here allow me to give you this Strength HM in consolation. If one of your Pokémon uses the move, they'll be able to push large rocks around" he said before giving me the disc "thank you so much! But I didn't come here for the race, I came here to challenge the gym leader" I told him "oh I see! Well on that note, I'll be waiting for your challenge in the gym good luck!" He said before running towards the gym, "he must be the gym leader" I said to myself before following him to the gym. "Woah!" I said in awe as I stepped inside, the only way to reach the top where the gym leader is was to climb and beat other Pokémon trainers! Everybody here used rock types so Wartortle and Vivillion will be fighting these battles, I began climbing the structure and battling the trainers. After a few minutes I had reached the top and faced the gym leader I was talking to earlier "I, Grant,  have been waiting in eager anticipation! What have I been waiting for? For a worthy challenge to appear!" He exclaimed "well then I guess today is your lucky day" I chuckled "quite, I have a feeling that our battle will turn out be worth the wait! Go Amaura!" He yelled as he sent out his Pokémon according to my Pokédex it was a ice and rock type. "Braixen go! Attack with flame charge!" I shouted, it was a direct hit but it didn't make Amaura faint instead it counter attacked with take down and took damage from the recoil! "Braixen use flame charge once more!" I requested, the attack hit Amaura and it fainted.

"I was right, this battle was worth the wait but it's far from over! Tyrunt it's your turn!" Grant shouted "Braixen come back, go Wartortle use bubble!" I shouted, Wartortle's attack hit Tyrunt dead on leaving it with only a bit of health "Tyrunt, use Draco meteor" Grant told his Pokémon, it must be a new move I've never seen it before and it did a lot of damage to Wartortle but it hung on "Wartortle let's finish this with water pulse" I shouted again, the attack hit and Tyrunt fainted meaning I had won my second gym badge. "You have proven to be a wall that I am unable to surmount! There are some things that seem out of reach no matter how hard you try. However, it's important that you never give up—no matter the opponent or the odds, I could tell from our battle that you and your Pokémon understand that. To commemorate such an impressive show of teamwork, please accept the Cliff Badge! With the Cliff Badge in your grasp, you should have no issues working together with Pokémon up to level 40. This even applies to Pokémon you've received from other people in . And that's not all, take this" Grant said before giving me a TM "it's Rock Tomb. With this move, a Pokémon can hurl rocks at its target, not only inflicting but also lowering the target's Speed and preventing it from moving. Now that you've become a master wall climber and conquered this gym, it's time you thought about how to apply your skills in other areas! Think about how you can improve yourself, as well as the Pokémon that are always by your side. When you find the answer, that's when you'll truly be able to smile!" He told me "right, thank you Grant" I smiled before leaving the gym.

I headed to the Pokémon centre to heal my Pokémon then headed towards the next town, Geosenge town. I walked through Menhir trail and battled everyone that challenged me, allowing my Pokémon to get stronger! I got closer to Geosenge town when a member of Team Flare appeared! "Stop right there! I remember you! You're the one who foiled our fossil finding plans! And now you're here, standing around these stones. Do you have any idea what they even are?" He asked "they're just stones right?" I questioned "of course you don't know! You know nothing about the legend of 3,000 years ago that says... wait what does it say? Oh whatever! Who cares about all that? It's time for me to get some sweet revenge...with style!" He told me before doing a weird pose, he sent out a Houndour and I sent out Wartortle! Wartortle used water pulse and made Houndour faint, the next Pokémon he sent out was Golbat, I returned Wartortle and sent out Braixen and told him to use Flame Charge and me and my Pokémon had won the battle! "What could I lose again to a little punk like you? What are you, some kind of trainer prodigy or something?" He asked "I'm just a trainer who can't stand bad guys like you" I retorted, his holocaster began beeping, he turned around and responded to the message "....I see, roger that! Heh. Gotta love the Holocaster! I can get updates on my mission in real time with this stylish device! Whoever thought this thing up must have been one truly stylish individual too! And on that note, it's time for me to scram...with style" he said before running off towards Geosenge town. "That was weird, what's the legend of 3,000 years ago?" I asked myself, what are Team Flare trying to do?!

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