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  Jimin combs through his hair one more time before walking out of his room. He goes to the front door and puts his shoes on before leaving. When he steps out of the door, he sees his mom asleep on the porch. Jimin shakes his head and leaves her there, walking to school.

Jimin looks down at his legs while he walks. Why do i have to be so fat? He hates the way that he looks. 'I'm too fat. I wish I was skinny.' 

As Jimin walks, he notices that his socks are showing. He hurries  and covers the pink fabric. If people saw that he wears pink socks, the would laugh at him for sure. 

It doesn't take long for Jimin to get to school because he lives only a few blocks away. As he enter the school gates,  he sees a couple making out on the bench that he usually sits on. Ew.  He rolls his eyes and walks away. Jimin only has two friends, Taehyung and Jungkook. They usually get to school later, so he is alone in the mornings. Jimin decides to go sit in the school garden, knowing that people don't usually do there.

Jimin walks into the garden and walks around until he sees someone sitting under the cherry blossoms. The boy looks up, and it is none other than Min Yoongi.

Yoongi looks up from his notebook and sees Park Jimin standing in front of him. He looks Jimin up and down, looking at his thin but muscular body. Aish. This kid has the body of a god. Yoongi looks at Jimin ad smiles.

"Would you like to sit with me Jimin?" Yoongi asks kindly. Jimin looks shocked,  but he nods and sits down.

"Y-you know my name?" Jimin asks. Yoongi laughs.

"Of course. We have four classes together Jimin." Yoongi says.

"I know that, b-but I didn't know you noticed me" Jimin says quietly, but Yoongi still hears him.

"How could I not notice you Jimin? You're pretty noticeable." Yoongi laughs. 'I have noticed you for two years Jimin. How could I not notice you?You're  perfection.'
Jimin blushed and looked down. 

"Is that a good or bad thing?" Jimin asks shyly. Yoongi smiles and ruffles Jimin's hair.

"Its a good thing Jimin." Yoongi assures him. Jimin looks at Yoongi and smiles. A small giggle leaves Jimin's mouth, making Yoongi's heart melt.

"So, what are you doing?" Jimin asks pointing at Yoongi's notebook.

"Oh. You know. Just notes and stuff." Yoongi says.  Jimin makes a small 'oh' sound.

"Im not very good at school work." Jimin lets out a small laugh.

"Oh really? What subject do you have the most trouble with?" Yoongi asks him. Jimin scratches the back of his neck.

"Um..... All of them." Jimin admits.

"Hmmm..... Well... I can tutor you. If you want." Yoongi offers. Jimin looks at the ground and sighs.

"I would like that..... But I don't have very much money." Jimin looks at Yoongi with a sad smile.

"So? You don't need to pay me. I will be glad to do it." Yoongi smiles. Jimin's face lights up.

"Really? Thank you." Jimin says. Yoongi just chuckles.

"Aren't you a senior?" Jimin asks. Yoongi nods.

"You are so lucky. That means you only have a few months before you are completely done with school." Jimin points out.

"Yeah.  I don't mind school though. Sure I don't have friends and stuff, but its a nice place to think." Yoongi tells Jimin.

"Are we friends?" Jimin looks at Yoongi with a confused expression. Yoongi's heart skips a beat.

"Do you want to be friends Jimin?" Yoongi asks.

"Of course!" Jimin says excitedly. Yoongi smiles. 'This kid and his cuteness will be the death of me.'

"Do you want me to call you hyung?" Jimin asks.

"It really doesn't matter Jimin.  You can call me whatever you want to." Yoongi says, giving Jimin a warm smile. Jimin returns the smile and nods.

"Okay hyung!" Jimin says before his smile turns into a frown.

"Hyung?" Jimin asks. Yoongi hums in response.

"You are a lot different that everyone says you are. You are not mean at all. Everyone says that you a a cold person. I was kind of scared of you when first saw you." Jimin said. This made Yoongi frown.

"You don't ever have to be afraid of me. Okay Jimin? I would never to anything to hurt you or be mean to you. Okay?" Yoongi tells Jimin. Jimin nods.

"I am sometimes a little bit cold to people, but that is because I don't really like most of the people at this school." Yoongi admits. 

"But you like me, right hyung?" Jimin asks. Yoongi nods. Jimin smiles and looks at the time.

"It almost time for school to start hyung." Jimin frowns and stands up. Yoongi stand up right beside him.

"Do you want to walk to class together since we have first hour together anyways?" Yoongi asks and Jimin nods happily. Yoongi chuckles and throws his are around Jimin shoulder, causing Jimin to blush.

They walk to their first hour, biology. When they enter, all of the eyes in the room land on them. Jimin gets embarrassed and looks down, walking to his seat. 'I can't wait to tell Tae and Kook everything!'


  Okay. First chapter is done. When you see things that are italicized they are the characters thoughts. This is going to be a really sexual fic so if you're not into it then don't read. But it is also going to be really fluffy at some parts. Yoonmin is my favorite ship of all time. Enjoy.

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