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  Jimin wakes up in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. He sits up and rubs his eyes, trying to figure out where he is. Jimin remembers last night. Im at Yoongi hyung's house!  He jumps out of bed and runs downstairs to his school stuff. He grabs his phone off of the table and looks at the time. 3:17 am.

Jimin walks back upstairs and sees light coming from underneath a door. He assumes that it is Yoongi's room. He puts his ear on the door and listens for any kind of noise. After a few seconds of silence, he hears papers shuffling around.

Jimin knocks on the door. He hears footsteps coming closer so he steps back from the door. Yoongi opens the door and sees Jimin standing there.

"Oh. Hey Jiminie... Umm...... Why are you up?"

"Well I just woke up and looked at the time and ..... I don't know... Why are you still awake?" Jimin looks at Yoongi.

"Oh I was just working..... You know. School work.... Hehe." Yoongi said scratching the back of his neck. Jimin nods and stands awkwardly. Yoongi pulls Jimin into his room and pushes him onto his bed. Jimins eyes go wide and he lets out a surprised squeak. Yoongi walks over to Jimin while taking of his shirt. Jimin starts blushing.

"W-what are y-you doing?!" Jimin asks. Yoongi just smirks and walks closer to Jimin.

"Y-Yoongi?" Jimin begins to get really nervous. Yoongi chuckles and puts on knee on the bed.

"Relax chim. I'm just going to bed. And so are you. Its not time to be up yet." Yoongi laughs. He pulls off his pants and climbs onto the bad beside Jimin.

"Oh..." Jimin looks down.

"What were you thinking Jiminie?" Yoongi asks, raising an eyebrow.

"W-what? O-oh. N-n-nothing! I... I just need to go to sleep!" Jimin almost yells and gets under Yoongis blanket. Jimin faces away from Yoongi to hide his blushing face. Yoongi chuckles and turns off the lamp before rolling over.

Jimin is still trying to calm himself down from what he thought was just going to happen, when he feels arms snake around his waist. He feels Yoongi pull him closer until there is not an inch of space between them. Jimin feels a weird bubbly feeling in his stomach, but he ignores it and goes to sleep.

"Jiminie?" Yoongi whispers. "Are you still awake?"
There is no response from Jimin. All Yoongi can hear is Jimin quiet, peaceful breathing.

"You drive me crazy, Park Jimin." Yoongi says hugging Jimin tighter.


Jimin slowly wakes up, feeling trapped under Yoongi's arms. He struggles to get one arm free. Once one arm is free, he grabs his phone and looks at the time. 7:30am.

"Hyung! Wake up!" Jimin says,shaking Yoongi. "We are going to be late for school!"

"Mmmmm...... Jiminie I want to sleep." Yoongi groans, letting go of Jimin and turning over.

"But we have to go to school! Get up!" Jimin whines, shaking Yoongi again.

"We can skip school today. Just go back to sleep." Yoongi says while yawning. Jimin's eyes grow wide in shock.

"Skip school? I can't do that!" Jimin argues.

"Why not? I do it all the time. It will be fine." Yoongi says pulling the blanket up over his head. Jimin sighs and gives in. He lays down and closes his eyes, but he can't fall asleep. He tries turning over , but he still can't go back to sleep.

"Hyung..... I can't sleep now." Jimin says kind of quietly. Yoongi pulls the blanket off of his head and turns to face Jimin. He lets out a deep sigh.

"Fine. But I still don't want to go to school today. You want to go get coffee?" Yoongi says looking at Jimin with a sleepy face. Jimin thinks about it for a second. He has never skipped school before. This was scary but also kind of exiting.

"Yeah. That would be nice." Jimin finally replies.

The two get up and get ready to leave. Yoongi gives Jimin a toothbrush and some of his clothes. When they are done getting ready, they leave the house and get into the car.

"You are really lucky that you are my friend Jiminie. I never get up this early for anyone." Yoongi says, watching Jimin stare out of the window.

"Thank you hyung." Jimin says, giving Yoongi a warm smile. "But hyung.... Why did you all of a sudden become friends with me. I just met you barley 24 hours ago and I have already got your number, gained a tutor, spent the night at your house, slept in the same bed as you, and now I'm skipping Scholl to go get coffee with you. How did all of this even happen?" Jimin finally lets it all out. The thing that has been on his mind since he woke up this morning. Yoongi thought about it for a minute before answering.

"Well.... I don't really have a lot of friends. I have known who you are for a while. I always knew you were a really nice person, and when I saw you yesterday morning, it just seemed like a really good opportunity to make a good friend. When you told me that you were struggling with your school work I thought that it would be a nice friendly thing to do if I helped you I got your number to see when you wanted to start tutoring and then you said you wanted to start as soon as possible. I didn't have anything to do, so I just said that we could start then. We worked for a bit longer than I thought we would and you looked tired so I asked if you wanted to sleep over. You said yes so I let you stay. Then you woke up really early and I was in my room working but I was just about to go to sleep. You knocked on my door asking why I was still up I asked you why you were up. Then I just pulled you into my room and we went to sleep. Earlier you woke up saying we need to go to school I said we should skip school you gave in. Here we are." Yoongi explains.

"Oh okay.... But um.... Before we went to sleep last night..... You wrapped your arms around me." Jimin says awkwardly.

"Oh. Sorry about that. I usually hug my extra pillow, but you were using it so I used you." Yoongi says, not taking his eyes off of the road. Jimin makes a small 'oh' sound and looks out the window.

"So hyung. You are actually my friend right? You're not just doing this out of pity. Or as a dare?" Jimin asks. He really hopes that Yoongi actually wants to be his friend.

"Ofcourse I am actually your friend. Not out of pity. Not as a dare. I am your friend because you are a really nice person that I want to be friends with."  Yoongi says. Jimin lets out a sigh of relief.
Yup. I have been gone for a long time. Sorry about that.

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