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They two boys walk into the small coffee shop. The air was warm and smelled of coffee beans, wrapping Jimin in a blanket of warmth and relaxation. Jimin takes a deep breath, inhaling the pleasant scent, and letting it out with a sigh. A smile spreads across his face.

"I love coffee shops. And I love coffee." Jimin says, turning to Yoongi with a big smile and those beautiful crescents. Seeing Jimin look happy like this makes a sweet gummy smile appear on Yoongi's face.

"So. What do you want?" Yoongi asks.

"I will have a chai latte." Jimin says pulling out his wallet.

"What do you think you are doing?" Yoongi asks, raising an eyebrow at Jimin.

"Getting My wallet out so I can get a coffee. Duh" Jimin says laughing. Yoongi snatches Jimin's wallet and pulls out his own wallet.

"No. Im paying." Yoongi says, shoving the wallet back into Jimin's back pocket,  making Jimin blush. Yoongi walked over to the counter to order while Jimin found a place to sit.

Yoongi returns with the coffee and sets one down in front of Jimin . When Jimin looks at his coffee, his heart leaps and he smiles the sweetest smile. The name on the coffee cup is
"My little Jiminie❤"
A small chuckle escapes Yoongi lips.

"The guy who took the order asked who my 'little friend' was. It made me laugh because you are pretty little. But anyways, I told him that you were my little Jiminie. So he wrote it on the cup." Yoongi says, smiling.

"Ya! Im not little! And who says Im YOUR Jiminie?" Jimin says acting angry. Yoongi chuckles and takes a sip of coffee.

"You ARE little and I say that you're my Jiminie." Yoongi says making Jimin give up on his angry act as he laughs along with Yoongi.

"Okay okay" Jimin gives in "But what's with the heart next to my name?"

"I don't know. I didn't write it. Maybe the coffee boy thinks you're cute." Yoongi says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Well that's cute. But Im not gay. I hope he knows that." Jimin says looking at the coffee boy.

Yoongi feels a pang of sadness in his heart. Of course Jimin isn't  gay. Why would he be? That small chance that Yoongi felt he could finally end up with Jimin had just completely washed away.

"Yeah. Too bad." Yoongi says in a low voice before taking another sip of coffee.

"What?" Jimin asks before sipping his coffee. Yoongi snaps his head up.

"I said too bad for him." Yoongi says looking at the coffee boy. Jimin giggles and looks at the boy before turning back to Yoongi.

"Even if I was gay.... I don't think he would be my type." Jimin admits.

"Oh really? What would be your type if you were gay?" Yoongi says jokingly raising an eyebrow.

"Hmmmm..... Well he is really tall. I would like a guy that is kind of shorter. Taller than me but shorter than him. If I was gay then I would want a guy that is smart and sweet. A guy that is caring and generous. The same type of girl I would probably like I guess." Jimin says sipping his coffee again.

"That you would probably like in a girl? What is that supposed to mean?" Yoongi asks tilting his head to the side.

"Well. I have never really had a crush or any feelings at all for any girls so Im just thinking that maybe that is what kind of girl I would like. I don't know." Jimin explains.

"So you have never had a crush or any feelings for a girl, but you're not gay?" Yoongi asks. 

"Well yeah. I have never liked a guy either. I don't judge gay people or anything because there is nothing wrong with being gay, but I myself am not gay. I have just never thought of a guy like that. Or a girl so I guess Im not straight? I don't know. Maybe I just wont ever like anyone." Jimin says, looking down at his coffee but not drinking it.

"Don't worry Jiminie. You will love someone someday. You will just have to wait until you find that special person." Yoongi says, trying his best not to sound upset about this whole situation.

"Yeah. I guess so. Um... What's should we do now? We're not going to school and I really don't want to go home..... So what now?" Jimin asks.

"We could go back to my house and watch a movie or something." Yoongi says. Jimin nods and smiles brightly. The to boys get up grab their coffee and walk to Yoongi's car.

When the two arrive back at Yoongi's house, they both sit on the sofa and relax.

"So. What do you want to watch Jiminie?" Yoongi asks. Jimin just  shrugs  his shoulders. Yoongi glances at Jimin and a great idea pops into his head. Maybe if Jimin gets scared, he will hold onto Yoongi. So it is decided. They will watch a horror movie.

"Hyung, do you have any popcorn?" Jimin asks. Watching a movie without popcorn his like going skydiving without a parachute. A disaster. Yoongi nods and get up to make some popcorn for the both of them.

While the popcorn is is the microwave, Yoongi can't stop thinking about earlier.

Jimin say that he is not gay. But then again he doesn't know if he is strait. Does that mean I might sill have a chance with him?  He did say he would like a guy that is slightly than him. Smart. Caring. Generous. I am all of those things. Maybe I can make him fall for me.

The microwave beeps and the popcorn is done. Yoongi pours the popcorn into a big bowl and returns to the living-room. He pick up the TV remote and is about to press play but is cut off when he feels Jimin tugging on his shirt.

"Hyung. Have you ever really liked someone?" Jimin asks him. This takes Yoongi by surprise.

"Yes... I have. Why?" Yoongi looks at Jimin with confusion.

"Well. I want to know what it feels like." Jimin admits.

"Hmmm. Well..... Whenever you are around someone you like, you feel happy. When they smile, it makes you smile. You get a warm feeling when they are near. Sometimes you even get really nervous around them. All it takes is a simple touch like when your hand brushes up against theirs to make butterflies erupt in your stomach. Being with them will make you feel dizzy, but in a good way. You know.... You just... Know. Even if you try to deny it, if you really like then then your heart will know." Yoongi tries his best to explain. Jimin just nods.

"It must be nice.... To feel like that. To like someone." Jimin says looking at the ground.

"Not always. Sometimes, the person that you feel you love the most doesn't like you the same way that you like them. And that hurts. A lot." Yoongi explains further.

"Has that ever happened to you hyung?" Jimin asks.

"Not exactly, but in a way.... Kind of yeah." Yoongi says looking at the floor.

"Im sorry hyung." Jimin says and grabs some popcorn,  shoving it into his mouth.

"Its fine. Lets watch the movie now" Yoongi says pressing play.

Okay. 7 is done. Poor Yoongi.
I feel like this book is kind of bad. (/.\) but oh well.
Bye for now.

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