Lust, Splintered

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She had been in Tortuga briefly. The town had smelled like rum-infused sweat and gunpowder, with an undertone of scents that she cared not to identify.

Her mission? To find Jack. Instead she had found James Norrington, neck deep in a bar brawl evidently hell bent on killing Jack, which would have been impossible seeing as how James was filled with alcohol up to his eyeballs.. With a rush of adrenaline, her sword had been unsheathed, and she was fighting off drunkards like the best woman pirate in the Caribbean.

Then she had been forced to break a bottle over James' head, only for him to end up sleeping with the hogs, from where she rescued him. Rescued the man that had caused her to fall over a terrace into the ocean, just missing the rocks in the water. She thought that irony had strange ways of working.

During her visit, she had become rather well acquainted with the various...harlots that populated the streets. If anyone had information on Jack's whereabouts, it would have been them.

They did not disappoint. A blonde named Giselle complained loudly for the entire town to hear about how Jack claimed that he wanted to marry her, but kept going off with other women. Then, a woman named Cleo countered with her proposal of marriage from Jack, arguing that it was more genuine. Needless to say, the two women had had a physical altercation.

Then, one named Scarlett had sought out Elizabeth personally, and claimed to have just been with Jack the night before. Elizabeth would never admit the twinge of jealousy that crawled up her spine at that admission.

She would also never admit the sudden ridiculous urge to ask questions about Jack's...bedside manner. She absolutely did not want to know anything about that at all.

Nonetheless, Scarlett was able to point her in the direction of the Black Pearl, complete with a knowing smirk and eyes that spoke of too much insight.

She suspected that Jack had been inside the Faithful Bride during her sword fight, but due to his surprise at seeing her on the dock next to his ship, he had not noticed her presence.

If he was so well-acquainted with Scarlett, then why was the dastardly women currently laying on a bed, naked, with her fiance?


Hallucination or not, Will would never lay with her sort. He was far too proper and self-righteous to lower himself to that level.

"Are you sure about that, Elizabeth?"

She first looked at Will, expecting him to be the one talking during this episode, but the question had come from Scarlett. Will was sitting on the left side of the bed staring at the wall in front of him, completely motionless.

Elizabeth considered answering, but chose to simply raise an eyebrow as a sign to continue.

Scarlett rose from the bed and began to pace around the room slowly, with emphasis on her footsteps.

"Now that you are clearly not in his line of interests, how do you suppose he is going to cope with your loss? Certainly not by trying to find a new love interest. No, your dear Will is going to drown himself in whores and alcohol in an attempt to take the pain away that you caused."

The woman smirked as Elizabeth reached for her cutlass.

"That will do you no good here, girly. Perhaps when Jack runs it through your heart, it might, but here it is useless."

"Will is stronger than that."

A simpering chuckle made her blood boil.

"Your precious Will courted you for five entire years before actually working up the courage to talk to you in front of your father. I think it is safe to say that he will not be pursuing another romantic venture again."

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