Boarderline Insanity

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(i stayed up till 4:30am to draw this color it in then take a picture of it and piece the picture together and then trace the outline and then color it again! i worked really hard to make this photo :3)

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(i stayed up till 4:30am to draw this color it in then take a picture of it and piece the picture together and then trace the outline and then color it again! i worked really hard to make this photo :3)


"In the beginning there was peace... but ancient prophecy predicted the return of an dorment ancient evil that would emerge from the depths and consume Hyrule and all things good and pure. though the prophecy did foretell the rise of the sleeping evil it also told of a great hero and a valiant princess who through the ages rise up against such a fiend and banish him back to the pits of wince he came. The princess and her appointed knight and four brave souls known as the champions took up arms of the divine beasts in order to put a stop to Calamity Ganon. Alas though they fought valiantly they did see defeat. the champions were slaughtered and the princess and her knight vanished."

"one hundred years later though the brave knight awoke and seeing much had changed he set forth to the unknown to discover his destiny. through many trial and hardships the hero knight was able to reclaim his memory and his sword which seals the darkness. and with the help of the re-claimed divine beasts was able to stop Calamity Ganon and free the princess and Hyrule from his cruel grasp." you smile at the faces of young Zora's who had gathered around to hear you tell the story of the great hero Link. 

"oooooo." one small red zora raises his hand excitedly. "what happened to the hero once his job was finished?"

You chuckle. "Link, the great hero returned the sword that seals darkness to it's resting place in the deep forest and he and the princess began efforts to rebuild the ruined castle. If you behave one day when your older you may get to meet the great hero."

the kids excitedly cheer and run off in different directions.

You smile a little watching them run. 'i could tell that story a million times and they'd react the same way every time.'

"wonderful story." a voice behind you chuckles. "but you forgot the part where Sidon helped the knight tame the divine beast ruta."

You turn around ready to correct the person who spoke but your words are stolen as you recognize the brilliant colors of the prince of your people. "Prince Sidon..." you drop to one knee and bow. "i didn't realize you were here."

"it's quite alright." Sidon smirks. "so you entertain the young generation?"

You stand up and nod. "yes sir. they do love to hear the story of the hero." you shrug.

Prince Sidon watches the kids running around. "which one of them is yours?" he questions.

"um... none..." you blush and look at the ground. though it wasn't unheard of for a zora to be without a spouse it was a rare occurrence, one which the Prince didn't often come across. 

Sidon raises his eyebrow line a bit. "really? sooo.... your one of the ladies yet to... what's the word i'm looking for..." he puzzles a moment. "yet to settle."

"yes sir." you nod.

"interesting." Sidon leans against a post and smirks. "if that's true then why don't i recall seeing you at the gathering?" he questions.

You look at the ground blushing a deep purple against your incredibly light purple skin. "i'm sure i have no idea what your talking about." you reply.

Sidon smirks. "you know the once a year gathering at the king's throne. the place where single Zora chose partners, or rather they look for them."

"oh..." you look away. "i... i'm far too busy for something like that." you reply.

"too busy?" Sidon chuckles. "well that's a bit of a shame."

"what are you doing down here anyways?" you say looking up at the domain high above you. it was odd for any other zora to travel under the domain.

"well to be honest i saw you down here and thought you might be stuck." he chuckles and glances to the left at a ladder. "i might have forgotten that there is a ladder right there."

"oh." you giggle a little bit. "i'm not stuck i swear. just came down here because it's quiet. the kids like it close to the water."

"you babysitting then?" Sidon questions.

"keeping them out of trouble." You chuckle. "seems like there are just more and more every day. it's difficult to keep up with them sometimes." you watch the kids swim up a small fountain back to the top of the domain. "is it sad that my only friends are children?" you question.

"probably." Sidon nods. "but i guess i wouldn't know what a true friend is. most people treat me different because i'm fabulous." he smirks. "but i tell ya what. i'll be your only adult friend if ya want."

"really?" you question. "why?"

Sidon shrugs. "well a few reasons but the very first reason is your unique color. I must admit i've been watching you for quite a while. that fact that your a rare shade of purple has always vexed me."

"you've been watching me?" you repeat surprised.

"yeah i've been thinking about leaving the domain for... i don't know... might be months... i was thinking maybe somebody should come with me. but the guards are... stifling, and nobody else is really equipped to handle the outside world." Sidon replies. "but i've seen you use the tridon and the traveler's sword. your a skilled fighter."

"thank you." you smile a little. "high praise coming from you."

"i myself am fairly good with the tridon, but i was hoping if you weren't busy i might convince you to accompany me into the great unknowns of hyrule. and purge this land of it's remaining evils." Sidon does his energetic pose. "what do you say? want to save the world with me?"

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