Too Journey or Stay Home

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Your faced suddenly without warning with a decision to stay in Zora's Domain or go on a trip with Sidon. The pros and cons reel through your head like an old timey movie tape.

if you stay in Zora's Domain you won't have to worry about getting hurt. If you leave though you run the very real risk of dying or becoming so injured you can't move. If you stay Prince Sidon will likely find somebody else to travel with, or should you turn him down would he leave by himself? what if he got hurt and you could have prevented it? since when does the prince need help from a commoner anyway? then an image of Sidon trying to face a Guardian  with legs pops into your head. You can't help it your mind is now made up.

"Alright i'll go with you." you reply. "as long as you can promise me one thing."

"one thing?" Sidon smirks. "what do you want? name your price."

"promise me you've at least thought about how dangerous this is." You reply. "that you aren't just running off into battle half cocked."

"oh i see." Sidon puts his hand on his chin and nods then he smirks a little. "i assure you i plan to prevail this dangerous task." he turns a bit so you can see his back where he has a one handed Zora sword and shield. "i've equipped myself with some beginner gear in preparation. Link said you can find stronger stuff for fighting by exploring the land a bit. i have a pretty good idea where we're going and what we need to do."

"so you actually have a plan." you smile. "great i'd be glad to assist you. It'd be an honor."

"great." Sidon gives you a thumbs up and looks up at the Domain. "you should probably equipped a shield and a sword. Meet me at the statue of Milpha once your ready to go." he waves to you and swims up a waterfall back to the top of the Domain. 

You climb the ladder because it's closer to you then swimming. Once at the top you make your way to the shop area to see if the nice lady who runs the shop has any items that might interest you. when you arrive at the shop you see the lady talking to a Goron fellow. 'hm the traveling tradesman is dropping off more items.' you wait for them to finish talking then the lady turns to you and smiles.

"can i help you miss?" Marot says waving to you.

"Yeah i'm thinking about leaving the Domain for a long trip." You say looking around the shop. You can see arrows, fish, rice, and Swift Violets however you don't see anything extremely helpful.

"planning a trip hm?" Cleff chuckles. "well i may have something just for you in the back let me go see." he walks to the back room.

"hu?" You question.

"oh." Marot smiles. "Cleff has been working on a pouch similar to the one Link carries. You see Cleff is fascinated with the hero knight and wants to begin selling things like rupee bags and item pouches to travelers. The problem though is when he brought the ones he made out front they sold out instantly and he couldn't keep up with demand." she sighs. "he keeps the equipment in the back room now." 

"oh. i see." you nod.

"i have a rupee pouch and one more Adventure pouch left." Cleff chuckles holding up the belt with two small bags on it. "i realize it's small but it should hold enough supplies for you. if you bring me material i can upgrade it for you, but right now you can only carry five melee, bow, and shield items."

"thank you very much Cleff." you bow respectfully. "how much for those?"

"well the normal going price is about 5,000 but your a dear friend for many years. just this once i'll let you have it on the house assuming you promise to come back in one piece." Cleff replies.

=5-3-2017= I decided this chapter wasn't over yet, so i'm adding more.

"thank you." you reply and turn too look at the fish. Your debating if you need to bring any food along when you hear a grumble from the back room. you turn around and see another dark blue Zora standing in the archway looking very disgruntled. 

"Giving away critical sellers." the zora grumbles. "after all that hard work you put into making them. it's no wonder the business is going under."

Cleff turns to the other Zora and frowns. "well she is a friend and after all it doesn't hurt business to give away things we don't actually sell. I simply had only started making them to sell on the side. Turns out its largely popular with the cosplaying community." he chuckles. "everyone wants to be Link."

"well the boy is a hero." The other Zora replies. "best you not forget though those rupees were meant to keep this shop open even if you just selling things on the side."

"Yes Dento." Cleff nods. "alright i won't do it again."

"good lad." Dento smirks and then turns to look at you. "no doubt you heard what we were just discussing. Don't you worry about the rupees he's already given you the stuff so i won't hold it against you." he turns back to Cleff. "i am returning to the back room now." he turns and leaves.

"don't worry about that old saltwater fish." Cleff chuckles. "he's a little salty at me because he makes tridons all day while i stand behind this counter." he puts his hand on his chin. "i suppose if you ever decided you needed a weapon from him i imagine he'd craft one for you, but it's likely that'll come with some kind of a price. if your looking for something less expensive i think i saw a short sword and a shield on the east bridge. they aren't very strong mind you but they'll get the job done."

"Cleff come here a second." Dento calls from the back room.

"coming!" Cleff calls back. he then bows to you and runs to the back room to see what Dento wants.

You decide not to buy any fish, so you leave the shop and head towards East bridge. when you get there you find the sword and shield Cleff mentioned and you equip them. with your adventure on the brink of beginning you stop to take one last look at yourself. After renewing your determination you head for the fountain statue to meet with Sidon.

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