Quest: Accompany Sidon to the Unknown

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You walk down the long flight of brightly lit steps towards the fountain, as you look down from the steps you see Sidon on one knee in front of the statue with his head bowed. 'asking the spirits to watch over him.' you suppose with a small smile. it was at least good to know he was taking this task seriously since at first he seemed a bit absent minded. You drift back to when he had asked you to join him. 'wait he really said he forgot the ladder was there and he thought i was stuck? that's utterly ridiculous he knows i can swim up waterfalls...' you pause. 'was... he just making up an excuse to talk to me?'

when you reach the fountain area Sidon stands up and looks up at the statue of his sister. "Mipha, please... watch over over your little brother." he then turns just a little and notices you standing there. he jumps a bit shocked. "oh your... here already. that was fast." he scratches the back of his head. "how much did you hear?"

"just the end bit." you reply. "Your sister was a great champion." you smile and look up at the statue. The Zora in question, Mipha, was a red scale Zora like her younger brother Sidon and was tasked to help the hero knight fight Calamity Ganon one hundred years ago. Mipha was the champion of the Zora tribe and had been tasked with controlling the Divine Beast Vah Ruta. However though the Princess of Hyrule and her appointed Knight did go to face Ganon they never made it, and the hero was mortally wounded afterwards Calamity Ganon attacked the divine beasts resulting in the deaths of all of the four champions including Mipha.

Sidon nods. "she was."

"she still is." You smile a little bit and glance at Sidon. "though her spirit has left this place a time of peace is ever closer because of her efforts. The memory of her deeds will keep her alive in the hearts of generations to come for many years." You look at the sky. "She watches over us all from beyond the stars and sky."

"I hope these words you speak are the truth." Sidon nods with a small grin. "and as long as this statue stands to remind us, we shall not forget." after a moment of silence his determination and energy returns and he gives a hearty chuckle and strikes his excited pose. "let us not waste anymore time then." he turns completely to face you and you see him puzzle for a moment before he asks. "where did you get that belt?"

You look at the belt with the rupee bag and adventure pouch connected to it. "Cleff makes them to sell on the side. he gave me one for free pretty neat right?" you smiles proudly.

"heck yeah." Sidon nods. "just surprised me a little for a moment i thought you were Link." He scratches the back of his head again. "he's got this outfit that makes him look like a Zora so sometimes i forget he's a Hylian." he looks at the statue again. "My sister was in love with Link... deeply... she made him a vestment armor from her scales."

"wow she must have really liked him then. I heard the princesses only make vestment armor for the man the intend to marry." You turn back to the statue puzzled.

"i believe she had every intention of asking him once the war was over." Sidon frowns. "though she never got the chance i believe she had planned at least to give him the armor as a dear friend." he puzzles for a moment. "i'm not actually sure how that kind of relationship would work but... what matters is how you feel about each other not what you look like."

a few moments later you realize the two of you had just been silently staring at the statue, so Sidon clears his throat and then chuckles a little. "time to be off then." he turns towards to river and smirks. "i hope you like to swim because it's a long way till we reach the end of the river."

You smirk. "i'm a fish." you reply. "water is in my blood and swimming is in my nature."

"alright then." Sidon moves back one step. "last one to ingo bridge is rotten egg!" he then jumps into the air and does a spin before landing in the water.

"oh no fair!" you yell back and jump in after him. 'he got a head start!?'

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