Chapter 25: Party to Family

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Raven's POV

"Damon!!! Pass the bourbon!!!"

I stopped dancing waiting for Damon to hand me a new Bourbon bottle. As he walked up to me still standing straight like me he handed me my new bottle. I felt a huge grin creep on too my face. As soon as he handed me the bottle I was chugging it done.

"Hey slow done!"

"Damon, I handle my alcohol and don't throw it up till I'm drunk or also know as hangovers so hand me another bottle cuz the one you just handed me is empty now"

I watched as he have me a huge grin and ran towards the stereo and turned on some music. I saw that he made sure the stereo was in the highest it could go.

~2 hours latter~

"This is soooooo much fun!"

I screamed as I danced on the table and spun in circles. I was dancing and spinning on the table when I suddenly tripped. I went falling towards the ground when I felt somebody catch me. I looked up and saw...... Some dude he looks so familiar... I watched as his pretty mouth opened and closed then finally mustered some words.


Xavier's POV

As I was coming closer to the boarding house I heard very loud music playing. I used my supernatural speed to get to the house quicker. I walked straight in and saw a girl falling from the table and Damon was passed out on the floor.
I caught this girl with raven black hair before she hit the ground and got hurt. When she turned her head and looked at me I saw those pretty Dark brown eyes with flecks of Gold and Violet. Without even knowing I was stuttering in what to say till it finally got out.


Her eyes grew when I said her name.
I felt her shot out of my arms and run towards the door.


I watched as she was panicking. She slowly started to calm down and finally look at me. Recognition filled her eyes as she saw me.

"Xavier? Is that really you? Wait no it's not. Xavier's gone, he died, he left me. Your just a fragment of my imagination.... I'm delirious because I miss my mate. Yeah that's it...."

I watched as she talked to her self. Then out of no where she went crashing to the ground on her knees. I heard sobs coming from her mouth.

"Your not real....Your....Not....Real.... Your not real! YOUR NOT REAL!!!!"

She was chanting over and over with tears rolling down her eyes. I started to walk to my mate. Seeing her like this pains me so much, I don't like seeing her hurt. When I got to her I bent down and pulled her into me while she cried. I felt the tingles travel up my arms from her hands touching my arms.

"Shhh, everything's alright. I'm her now and I'm not going to leave you. I promise Raven"

As she heard my voice it seemed to sooth her. I picked her up from the ground and walked out of the boarding house and started towards the The Blakes Mansion. After about 20 minutes I finally arrived at my home with Raven curled up in my arms. I cod feel that my shirt was wet from her tears. I can't believe she thinks I died and abandon her. My poor mate. She looks like a sleeping angel. As I walked up the porch I opened the door with my foot so I could get is inside. I started in through the house upstairs to put her to bed in my bed. As I set her on my bed slowly I saw her start to stir. I gently laid myself next to her so she would wake. I got under the covers with her and as soon as I was under I felt her cuddling up next to me.

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