Chapter Eleven

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"Chloe, the police are here," I said, shaking.

"I know," she said," Can I have your phone?"

I shakily gave her my phone and she opened the doors. There were two big policemen standing there.

"Can I help you officers?" she asked.

"We had a call earlier today from a man by the name of-" they began.

"Frank Watkins," Chloe finished," Yes, he came here about half an hour ago to collect his stallion that had escaped and was running across my land. However I wouldn't let him have him because I know just how badly he treats his horses and I didn't want that beautiful stallion to suffer."

The policeman laughed and said," Well, we heard from him that you set your dogs on him and his Collie when he came to collect his stallion and that they viciously attacked him."

"If you do not believe me officer, than I will suggest two things," Chloe said," One, if Frank told you that my dogs attacked him and his Collie, then if you go to his house and inspect him and his Collie, you will find that no damage has been done to either of them and two, if you don't believe my story, then I have some video footage which should satisfy you."

I smiled to myself at how crafty she was. She showed them the video of Frank and Buck and the Collie but I was quite fearful of what she would say when they saw that the Borders did attack the Collie.

The second policeman pointed this out and Chloe answered," Yes, I did set my dogs on the Collie but he suffered no real damage and as you can see, I was only trying to stop it from hurting the stallion whom we now call Buck. And, gentlemen, if that is not enough evidence for you, I can show you the cut on the stallion."

"That won't be necessary thank you," said the first policeman," We will have to take the phone away for several days just to clear things up but there will be no charges. Sorry for the upset."

"One more thing, officers," Chloe said before they left," I would like to take over the ownership of the stallion."

"We will make all the arrangements," said the first policeman and with that, they left.

"You're going to keep him?" I cried.

She shrugged and said," What else could I do."

I grinned at her and we went in for lunch. As we entered the house, I saw Elizabeth in the kitchen, reading a letter. When she saw us, she put the letter away with a grave look on her face.

"What's that?" Chloe asked.

"It's a letter from London," Elizabeth said," It's about your father's funeral, Amy."

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