Chapter Nineteen

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Chloe's POV:
Big and Fast's rider is pushing me into the rail. He's quite a small man but he has eyes full of fury and only an instinct to cheat to get what he wants. I can see Fly looking very confused. If only he didn't have a saddle then he really would be able to go fast. He tries to push Fly and me into the rail several times. I felt my leg scrap across the metal bar, hard. I tried to move my leg to stop it but my foot came out of the stirrup. Fly noticed this immediately from when I backed him tacked up. He slowed right down and before long, we are nearly behind the pack. There was only one other rider who was behind us. As he pulled his horse against Fly, I caught sight of his face. It was Alex, Frank's right-hand man. He glared at me, pushed me hard and I felt myself slip. He raced on and Fly had almost fallen to a canter. With what control I had left, I dug my left heel into his side and he sped up a little but the command wasn't enough and he was confused. Dear god, Dad, please let me win that money! Fly knew early what I was thinking. Suddenly, I felt his right foot kick me in the side and I was reseated. It really hurt but it was worth it. I stuck my foot back into the stirrup and pushed Fly on. We were going to win if it was the last thing I did!

Amy's POV:
I watched Chloe fall to the very back as she was unseated. I was so sure that she was going to fall off. I sat on the edge of my seat, clutching my binoculars with one hand and biting my nails on the other. Suddenly, I saw Fly do something funny with his leg and he kicked Chloe back into position. She was reseated and she slipped her foot back into the stirrup. Then, she pushed Fly into a flat out gallop and he sped off after the pack. He was such a fast horse, it didn't take him very long to regain his ground and soon, he and Big And Fast were fighting each other for first place. There was only one corner to go and Chloe was at a disadvantage. She was on the outside. As they turned the corner, Fly fell back a little because he had more ground to cover. But as they thundered round the final corner, I saw Chloe let Fly do what he did best. Fly! He lengthened his stride and he raced Big And Fast to the finish line. They were neck and neck but Chloe really pushed Fly at the very end. It would have to be a photo-finish. They crossed the finish line and I looked up at the big screen, waiting to see the scoreboard. Time seemed to stop as I waited in agony. I closed my eyes, almost afraid to look and I only opened them when I heard Elizabeth's cry of pride and joy. I opened my eyes and saw Fly-By-Day occupying the top spot. I hugged Elizabeth and ran down to find Chloe. By the time I reached her, she had gotten off Fly and was looking for me. I ran up to her and we had a victory hug.

"We won, we won, we won!" I cried," I knew you could do it!"

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