Chapter Twenty

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We got home at about four-thirty that night after having posted the cheque of £100000 into the bank. We had a great meal of cheesy pasta and chocolate cake (not together, obviously!). Chloe had even let Elizabeth get herself some posh champagne from the food sections before we left so she was enjoying that too. Chloe and I even had some. We went to bed late after a fun night of jokes and boardgames. I flopped down on my bed and fell asleep instantly. When my alarm went off in the morning, I looked over at Chloe's bed to find it, as usual, empty. I dragged myself out of bed and threw some clothes on. I was about to fetch myself something to eat out of the fridge but then Ranger came up the stairs and over to me. He took my sleeve and gently pulled me down the stairs, indicating that he wanted me to follow. I did as I was told and he took me around the first corner on the left and thee before me was a banner with the words Happy Birthday! written across it. I had totally forgotten that it was my birthday. Chloe was standing there with Elliot, Archie, Ava and Buck. Elliot didn't look too happy about being dragged out of bed so early but I appreciated him for doing so. Chloe was holding a big cake that Elizabeth had obviously baked the night before and there were several presents at Chloe feet and in the boys' hands.

"Happy birthday," Chloe grinned, holding out the cake.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"That's for me to know and you not to find out," Chloe grinned.

Chloe put the cake down and I ran to her to give her a hug. Chloe carried the cake and presents into the house and Archie put the horses away. Then, he led me inside and on the kitchen table was a breakfast banquet like no other I had seen before. We sat down and dug into breakfast. Breakfast was a good meal with laughs and jokes all round. I was so glad that Chloe had remembered my birthday. One time, Dad forgot and was very confused when Elliot gave me a present after dinner. Elliot would always remember though. After breakfast, everyone placed their presents on the table for me to open. Elliot got me a beautiful horse necklace with matching earrings. Elizabeth got me a packet of treats and some beautiful leather gloves which fitted perfectly. Archie gave me a new bridle for Buck. I had been borrowing one of the geldings called Monty bridle and I had been trying to save up what I earned from Chloe when I helped out to buy him a new one. I opened Chloe's last. She had bought be a beautiful pair of black riding boots.

"For when you start competing," she said.

I grinned and we had a group hug. I was then sent into the bathroom to change into everything. Usually, I rode in my comfy jeans and jumper. I had been borrowing Chloe's old boots ever since I had started riding but now I had my own! Then, Elizabeth bought out the cake that Chloe displayed earlier in the barn.

"We have a tradition in this family," Elizabeth said," That on anyone's birthday, we have to have cake wih every meal."

I laughed and said," That is a great tradition."

We ate most of the cake then, but Elizabeth assured me that there was much more to come. After breakfast and presents, Chloe said," Do you want to go for a ride?"

I nodded and ran to change into my stuff. We left on Buck and Tommy, who was tackless, as usual. I followed her up a path that I didn't know of and down to a pretty pond with a jetty sticking about a quarter of the way out.

"Dad dug this when I was only young," Chloe said," It's nice to swim in around this time."

I looked at her, hinting and then she dug her heels into Tommy and he ran down the jetty and launched himself off of it. I laughed and Buck followed. We spent the whole morning splashing around in the cool water. I pulled Buck out just before lunch and sat on the jetty, drying myself off while he grazed on the fresh grass nearby. Chloe came and sat down next to me and we watched a family of ducks swim around the pond.

"You know, I miss Dad," I said to Chloe," But I feel as though this is where I'm meant to be, with you and the horses."

"Well, I think that this is where you belong," Chloe said and smiled at me.

I looked at her and thought," This is my true home."

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