In Dorms Chapter Eleven

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Anthony packed the last of his flannel shirts and with that he was done packing. Two years, two amazing years.

Two years ago was the night of the big fight, the day after Anthony woke up with Ian by his side, just like he promised. Anthony felt as if something had changed, not just around him, inside him too.

Scott left, he wouldn't be back for a while, and he isn't back yet so everything is still nice. Anthony took Ian on sweet days, Ian wasn't back to the same dorm because it felt still kind of too fast for a relationship, and obviously you need space, but he'd stay the night after long special dates including some cute dinner under the moon light and a active safe sexual life.

When they came home that summer, they returned not just with the bright news of both of them discovering their sexuality but with excellent notes (Anthony at the end managed to raise his notes on an impressive way and got the scholarship).

Jamie and Ian kept some kind of relationship, they were still friends, but it was awkward.

Anthony and Jamie made a pact just for Ian, they'd be respectful for each other, they didn't have to be friends, though. And that was the way they decided to keep it. Anthony would be lying if he said that there wasn't any hateful feelings towards Jamie, they were still there, somewhere deep, but he managed to bottle them up and keep calm every time he'd go to their dorm looking for Ian.

College life wasn't so bad after all. Anthony was still popular, him and Ryan were still good friends, even if Ryan was leaving they'd still talk. Ryan finally asked the girl he wanted and surprisingly she said yes with the condition of quitting smoking and no more flirting with cheerleaders.

Both of the guys made it to the team. 

After Jamie left, he gave his most high recommendations to the couch and convinced him to make Anthony the new quarterback, he apparently had conviction and an incredible view about things, he was strong and quick. That left Anthony confused, he at first thought that it was for Ian, but then after a small talk mostly saying goodbye with Jamie, he learned in some indirect way that Jamie wasn't doing it for Ian, he deserved it after the long fight about Ian, Anthony was showing strength and that was something Jamie could appreciate.

Even after everything, Jamie wasn't all that over with Ian, he was pretty much in love, but he was happy because Ian was, Ian was still nice as ever to him... to everyone. Jamie would miss him, they'd skype, Jamie left to the Big Apple, New York to start some new business, after a year or two, he was a successful business man and he'd send Ian things from every place in the world, Anthony wasn't very pleased with that, but Ian would calm him down by giving him slow small kisses on the cheek and then quickly after that, he'd go lower to his neck.

Ian persuaded Anthony to stop smoking at all, every time Anthony would light one, he'd instantly encircle his neck and whisper hotly some naughty stuff... Anthony stopped smoking in a week.

The summer was interesting, their parents were shocked, of course, but they were accepting... it was California, you could be around naked with just a guitar and a cowboy hat on the streets and no one would look at you twice.

After that first vacation, they came back to school with a stronger relationship than ever, they fell in love even more during that summer.

They kissed, they cuddled, they made love, they made a promise.

After finishing, Anthony took his suitcase and went out, that summer they were staying at Ian's house, every summer since then, they'd stay in one of their houses. This year was Ian's turn, and both of their families, even if they had been dating for two years and had a billion of sleepovers before, made them stay in separated rooms, but of course, by midnight one of them would be slowly sneaking out and find peace in each other arms.

Anthony came out in look for Ian, summer was over and they were driving back to school. Ian was in the kitchen saying his goodbyes. His mother was about to burst into tears and Ian hugged her shaking his head with a small smile on his lips.

Anthony watched silently until he moved a few centimetres and he made the loudest sound in the world when he accidentally leaned on the table and it moved a bit.

Anthony's cheeks burned. Ian's mom walked to him and took his face in her hands. 

"You take care of my baby, okay?" Her eyes were misty.

"Yeah. totally, don't worry Mrs. Hecox... I'm planning on it."

"You make him happy, please keep him like that always." A small smile was forming on her lips.

Anthony knew what was it all about.: They were moving out together. In school it was allowed to on your senior year if it was close by, and of course they'd want to make full use of that. With a litter help of their parents, they bought a small apartment twenty minutes away from school.

The new life was just beginning.

A/N: I can't find the words to tell you how much I love everyone of you. You made of this story a great journey. We laughed and cried together. It feels weird to be ending this. The epilogue will be out soon the next week. 

Thank you for supporting me and for always stick around willing to read my works.

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