In Dorms- Ianthony Chapter Two

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A week passed, It was really cool, we met some students and made some new friends. Also Anthony made a few enemies? rivals? He gets all the girls, every girl wants him, even the one with boyfriends. Let's just say that since we've come here. He's been flirty with half of the school girls. That made me a bit disappointed, but there's still a spark of hope in me.

I walked around the the campus,where the hell is Anthony? I haven't seen him since the last three hours.

"Yo, Ian what's up?"

"Hey Trevor, how yo doin'?" We clapped hands, "I'm cool. Haha but it seems that you're roommate is having a lot more fun than you" He disappeared down the hallway, When I was closer to our room I found something on the handle of the the door, an sock. It can't be true, I thought that was just a story. I'm sweating. I heard moaning trough the door, my heart broke instantly. I still opened the door.





Anthony was on his bed, with that girl, naked, doing it, no, no, no. Anthony turned his head to see me, the girl still not noticing anything "Oh shit i'm sorry"  "Ian!! Don't you saw the sock?" Yeah, I did... So you really forget, you really don't care. "Yeah, s-sorry" Ian! Ian! move, run away, idiot! I was shocked... the the girl turned her head to see me, oh great! I closed the door quickly and ran away. I'm so pissed off right now, With Anthony, with that ugly girl, with Trevor... but more with me. Wow wait, what's this? Oh cool, now I'm crying, why do I have feelings your this douche?... And here's the part when you say 'You're so much better than any girl, and your special, if he can't see that, then he don't deserves you' Umm... I'm still running. I could cause an accident, I should stop... like uh, now. "Ouch"

Now, I've stopped, I crashed against someone "Oh, sorry"

The guy shrugged and straightened his shirt "It's cool...hey you okay... Wait, why are you crying?" Again, Ian you're an idiot. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to you know, I won't force you."

Now, I can't control myself. I started sobbing uncontrollably and pulled me to a hug, he was so warm and comfy.. "Hey, hey it's okay. Let's go somewhere else" I nodded.

I really don't care who's this, really, I'm hurt and I need comfort. He dragged us to some kind of park. Once I stopped crying, he stared at me for a minute, probably thinking I'm pathetic. He held my hand "You can tell me anything you want, I promise I won't laugh or make fun of you, REALLY"

"O-okay... Well, I think I-I'm ga-ay" I stared sobbing again, he held my hand even tighter "Oh, it's okay. I know it can be hard, I'm gay too" He said with a warm smile "But, I think. No, in fact, I have feelings for my best friend. I knew that for a while, I never tried anything... But one day he kissed me, I kissed him back and then we made out on my couch... and then he left; that was lik-e three week-s ago. I-I thought he had those fe-elings for me too, but-t today I found a sock on the knob and I found him fucki-ing some s-stupid girl... I-I don't understand." He hugged me, I feel comfortable and safe on his arms "It's okay, he's an idiot. Ian" What the fruck, how did he know my name? "H-how do you know my name? Are you a stalker?" "Umm, no. I saw you the other day when you arrived here, and the I heard your friend shouting your name, I've seen you some other times around the campus and I knew I would never forget you because of your beautiful bright blue eyes By the way, I'm Jamie, Jamie Winters. I'm a senior. And you might think I' crazy, because I just met you, but I really like you, Ian. I feel like I've known you for years.  You seem smart and cool, I hope we can be friends." Oh, now someone's trying to get flirty, trying to take advantage? I hope not, I'm so confused right now. "Nice too meet you Jaime, and thank you, I would really like that" I couldn't help but smile, I have someone, someone who cares.

He hugged me again, I'm starting to think that hugging me means something else for him... "Want to go for a coffee" I nodded.


We had a really nice conversation, he told me that here no one really cares if your gay or not. Everyone tries new things in college. He's really popular. When we were walking towards the coffee shop, a lot of people came to say hi and stuff.

I'm better now. Its nice to have someone.


I saw a familiar shadow outside trough the glass windows, I don't know why, but I'm scared, this (Jamie. Me. Coffee) suddenly feels wrong. It was nearly 7:00 pm. And... yep, he was there. Talking to some jerks from the football team, staring at me and then to Jamie. He was staring us with such intensity that I felt something tingle trough my back. That stare send shivers to my spine. That scared me, he saw us laughing. There's nothing wrong with that. I mean, seriously?  I can have other friends, for a moment I thought I was doing something to upset him besides opening the door. That was an accident.

He finally turned around "What's wrong Ian?"

I think I dozed off "Uh, nothing, I think we should go back to the dorms..."

He nodded "Okay, let me pay."


He walked with me until we were outside the room, I knew Anthony was there because the lights were on, I just wanted to avoid him all day. "So, call me if you need something, whatever. And really You can change dorms and come with me if that douche keeps hurting you, got it?"

"Yeah, okay. got it.; bye"

He walked away pfff. I knocked this time. "It's safe to come in now?"

Anthony opened the door looking annoyed. This is going to be a long night.

"Hey, who finally decided to show himself, jeez I've been looking for you for hours, And when I finally found you, you're busy with your new 'friend'"

Ha! He's the mad one, obviously I'm the one mistaken.

"Who the hell do you think you are, Jesus Anthony, yes, I have a new friend, so? You're not my only friend, I can have as many friends as I want to and it's my fucking problem" "I'm your best friend, who the hell is that guy, I don't know him. He could be a rapist or some shit like that" Calm down, breathe "NO, YOU DON'T KNOW HIM. AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO. Just like I don't know all the girls you bang in here or those football jerks you hang with, huh? I don't even know you anymore. You've changed, I suppose that's the way you've always been..."

A long night


What do you think? I don't know where I got all this thing, you like it?

Anyone saw once "Zoey 101" Imagine the school like that, just a bit. With the cinema, cafe and restaurants. But the dorms are bigger and better.



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