VII- Alan's Pregnancy

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Alan's POV-

I tossed around in my bed, Austin sat down rubbing my back, gently, i just finished puking, again, i was 9 months pregnant, almost reaching my due date, which was on the 1st of March, i was getting the pain a day fucking early, Austin's phone was ringing, he sighed loudly and annoyed and answered it

"What!? Aaron!?"

"Alan, Aaron and Kate are bringing the kids over, you want some peanut butter chocolate cookies?, the kids made them" he said, i loved my god daughters Alyson and Aleksandra, they were sweet, loving and everyday if i were sick, they'd come to see me after school and on the weekends, "Sure" i looked up at him, kissing his palm, he looked down at me and smiled, "Yes,he wants them" he replied, ending the call on his phone, he looked down at me and kissed the tip of my nose, He placed a hand on my baby bump, "I'm so sick,babe" i whined, he kissed my forehead, "I truly know" he replied, coming off of the bed and stretching, "Hungry?" he asked, "Mac and cheese" i said, turning to look at him, he smiled and was just left standing there smiling at me, i chuckled, "Your just so beautiful, i can't help myself" he said, tilting his head to the side, "Your making me wanna kiss you,shush" i replied, making him laugh a bit, "Well,i wanna kiss you" he said, picking me up off of the bed, he crashed his soft lips onto mine, he placed my back against the wall, softly, he held my legs and wrapped them tightly around his waist, he passionately kissed me, our tongues wrapping together, before we heard someone say "Ew" in their lowest voice, i almost fell to the front when i turned at my bedroom door and saw Aaron,Kate and their two kids, Austin rolled his eyes, "Go away Aaron!" he whined, Aaron chuckled and put his hands at his waist, "Nope,never" he replied, his daughter Aleksandra sliding out her phone from the back of her jeans pocket, "You guys are so adorable, your relationship goals" she said,sweetly, i blew her a kiss, "That means no pictures,right?" i asked, "But we can make you guys into a relationship goal quote,please Uncle Alan" Aleksandra and Alyson pleaded together in their cute voices, Austin slammed his forehead into my chest softly, "Godkids" he muttered, causing me to chuckle, "can't we just do it?" i asked him, he nodded and looked back up at me, we made a quick kiss, quick enough so that both the girls could get their pictures, he placed me back to lie down on the bed, he kissed my forehead and then my lips quickly, "I have to go out for a bit, Tucker just called me" he replied, grabbing his muscle tee and sliding it on, "You really have to go?" i asked, holding his hand softly, he kissed mine and nodded, "and besides, when the baby gets here, i'm gonna have enough money, so i'll stay home with you and him" he said, kissing my baby bump, "Yes my little man, daddy's gonna be home with you everyday" he cooed, while tickling my belly, the baby kicked his hand and he kissed it again, he grabbed his long black leather jacked, slid it on and grabbed the car keys, he kissed my forehead and lips one last time, "I'll see you, babe" he said, i smiled and waved, "See you" i replied, turning to the girls as he took off, "Uncle Alan, i'm so excited, yet i'm worried about how much pain you are in" Alyson said, rubbing my foot softly, i sat up on the bed and smiled at her, "It's gonna be fine,besides, i'm not in too much pain" i replied, biting my lip to hide some, "I know that look, Uncle Alan" Aleksandra said, kissing the side of my head, "Besides,we're spending the day with you, so if he happens to come early, we'll be right here" she said holding my hand, i looked at her and smiled, if everyone in this world had such caring god kids in their life, I felt something scratch my stomach inside, i rubbed it softly, that made it stop, "Oh, we brought you these" Aleksandra said, handing me 3 baskets of soft baked chocolate chip and peanut butter biscuits, made by them, i kissed her and Alyson's foreheads, "I love you two" i replied, taking one of the biscuits out and eating it, i grabbed both the girls for tight hugs, "This was exactly what little baby Ryan wanted" i replied, kissing both their foreheads, they started to laugh,and for some reason, i watched my little pony everyday for the pass nine months, today there wouldn't be an exception, i turned on "The Princess Promenade" a My Little Pony Episode, the girls rested their heads on the sides of my chest, and their hands on my tummy, this was perfect, with two beautiful and kind hearted god daughters, you might wanna be pregnant everyday.

(847 words)

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