chapter 1

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"No one cares about you." The words hit me like a punch to a gut, for the third time this week. Why can't the staff leave me alone?

"Murdoc does!" I insist, curling up into my own little ball, blocking out the world. "Murdoc cares about me!" The sobs come out, choking and suffocating and swallowing me whole. I am undone.

The security guard only gave a harsh chuckle at my misery. "Hilarious. Tell me, if he does care about you, why hasn't he come to save you yet? If you're as sane as you say you are, why are you here? Oh yeah, your love blinded you, Bob. It blinded you from your true problems. Problems you were always in denial of."

Another blow to the heart, because I knew what he said was true. In my gut, I knew. I don't deserve the love of the handsome British bassist with the forked tongue and pale green skin. What did he even see in me anyways? Some desperate man who was willing to give everything up for him?

"You were better as an exterminator." The guard scoffed, turning on his heel and unlocking the door to my bedroom. At least, that's what they choose to call it. I prefer to call it a cell. Trapping me with my own thoughts.

The guard left promptly, locking the door, leaving me with the literal writing on the wall. SEX MURDER PARTY written in bold, black sharpie, crossed out in multiple areas.

Looking at my work only made me feel even worse. It was if I had brand new eyes, as if I was finally seeing from a normal perspective. Is he really that wrong? Would a sane person do this? 

Then, the biggest stab of all. Why has Murdoc not done anything?

The biggest failure in the entire asylum, that was me. The biggest fall from grace in the entire asylum, that was me. But the most innocent? The most framed? Well, I couldn't be sure.

How could I say that? I was never insane, this was all just a terrible mistake.


Murdoc. Please, if you're listening, get me out of here. I'm losing my mind, and if you don't hurry, there will be nothing left for you. No more Bob-chan. Another proof of my insanity. This time, I knew for a fact no one was listening.

Until she came.

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