Half Way There

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Chapter 6 


Amaya's POV 

After last night with the boyfriend/relationship talk, we walked back to the hotel and rested up for the next events with the Games which never surprised us and instead made us bored. 

"Why are we required to go to all the days for this?" Hiro moaned out

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"Why are we required to go to all the days for this?" Hiro moaned out. 

"Shush we're half way there and plus you're whining now because of what happened last night." I said.

"Ohhhhh, what happened?" Nathan said. 

"Give us the details." Kristy, his girlfriend and part of the top 25 joined in with everyone else nodding their heads. 

"It isn't what you guys think. Hiro just meet my guild family." I said. 


"Oh so this is Hiro." Natsu said and gave him a handshake. 

"So how have you been treating our princess?" Gray said. 

"I'd say pretty well." Hiro said. 

"He's a gentleman." I said and they all nodded before looking at each other. 

"Sweetie, we need to talk to Hiro by himself." Gray said and I nodded my head before almost all the guys and some of the girls went with him to a different room. 

"Poor guy." I heard Lucy say .

"He's use to it." I said and she looked at me in a questioning way. 

"All the top guilds asked him questions to see if I was a perfect fit including his own guild." I said and she nodded. 

"Hey Lucy, she's the one who helped me on the first day." Wendy said and Carla nodded her head. 

"So Juvia shouldn't worried with another love interest" Juvia said and I nodded my head. 

"Gray's basically my big brother. Trained me since I could walk with being ice. All my other magic powers came at me so I ended up getting trained by several others before becoming an S class mage. After that I then ended up with the counsel to later be where I'm now at." I said.

"Are the rest of the top 25 like you?" Lucy asked and I shook my head, "I'm probably the most normal one out of them." 

I then looked at the room seeing Hiro come out looking tired with the others looking proud that they got him to this state. 

"Well we'll be going now." I said before grabbing Hiro and walking out back to the hotel. 

-End of Flashback- 

"Wow, that sucks." Zen said before we all started to look at today's schedule. All we saw was the Yukino was out and Minerva was in for Sabertooth and Wendy was in for one of the Fairy Tail teams. 

"Well here comes the dungeon." Someone said from behind me before I looked out to see the members representing their team picking out sticks. We all saw that Ezra was the first person to go. 

"Hey Amaya, you think she'll do good?" Matt asked and I nodded my head, "Have you not seen her fight monsters like that before." 

Nathan and he looked back onto our times and then nodded their heads. 

"She'll win for sure." Nathan said and I nodded my head. Thirty minutes later, our predictions were true. 

"How the hell did she do that?" Ally asked. 

"It's Fairy Tail, don't under estimate any guilds that make it this far." I stated before observing how the next guilds would be ranked. 


Hey I hope you liked this chapter.

 See you soon Runners.      

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