Past Events

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Chapter 11
This will maybe split into two parts.


Amaya's POV

After playing with Asuka all the members who weren't really hear to see me grow up were all waiting for me including Lucy and Natsu who were back. 

"Amaya, please we need to talk with you." Master Makarov said before I took a seat in front of them like they were interviewing me. 

"We want to know what happened in the past that the other members are talking about." Ezra said and I stayed quiet knowing that this talk would have had to happen soon. 

"Please Ams we want to know." Gray pleaded before I nodded my head and began my story. 

"A month after you guys disappeared, we came back to see the guild where you guys had found them. As the three being raised by you guys we felt we needed to owe something to you guys so we helped get some funds to pay for the guild building. A year after doing that, the council decided to send us on a mission." I said almost choking up but kept on going, "At this time, I'd say I was 11 and the guys were almost 12. Some of the other girls and guys you see us with all the time had went with us as while to give us some back up. Before we knew it the mission turned into a kidnapping. The guys who kidnapped us basically taught the boys how to be killers while they basically beat the girls to do what they wanted. We were there for a month before the council found us. The day they did find us was also the day one of got hurt the most. One of the girls was being touched as usual but this time it seemed to go to far before I barged in. I left myself open where the other girl was able to run out but before I could go out and join her, the leader in charge grabbed me and continued to do what he was doing with the girl. In the end, he raped me. The leader of the group that the council sent was the one who found me with two of the other soldiers in his group. The two told me that he teleported me out before he teleported the other two out before the whole complex the kidnappers had us in exploded with their leaders magic. All I know after that is going into a coma from all the shock and injuries I received." I stopped and looked up to see all the reactions of sympathy, guild, anger, and sadness before continuing. 

"When I woke up, they told me everything that happened after I passed out including the death of the leader who saved me. After all that the three of us came back but not that much as we did in that first year." I finished up. 

"That all happened?" Ezra slowly asked and I nodded my head slightly not telling them the other event that happened just two years ago with the reaction they gave me.  


Hey I hope you liked this chapter.

 See you soon Runeners. 

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