Two Weeks Ago

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Chapter 13 


Matt's POV

After Gray handed Amaya to Hiro and we went into another secluded area, Nathan and I started to tell the group what happened two weeks ago. 

"We were on one of our easygoing missions that would have taken us half a day." Nathan said. 

"After we did finish, we were suppose to go home before Amaya said she needed to get something from the town we were helping. We accepted her going because she would be back pretty quickly. When she didn't come back for an hour we started to look around for her, we asked some of the townspeople but they had said she had left fifteen minutes ago. We thanked them before splitting up and searching every hidden area there was in the town but we still couldn't find her." I said. 

"When we regrouped our emergency signals went off signalling where she would be before we ran off to that area. When we got to where she was and hide from the people who had her we noticed that she was lying flat on her back and would move like she was scared every so often. We then noticed a man standing over her, he was similar to the guy who kidnapped us a few years ago. He seem to want more out of Amaya which is when we stepped in and kicked his ass." Nathan said already upset with what he had to say. 

"When we got Amaya into our arms, I turned around to see the guy gone and no where to be found. We wanted to deal with finding him later after we gave Amaya the attention she needed. When we got back to our shared home and she woke up, she put up a wall around her. It took HIro a day before she broke down in front of him telling him what happened. He then told up the guy had some mind control magic and was able to get into Amaya's head and mentally rape her." I finished it off seeing the other members pissed again. 

"That is also why she had freaked out when everyone crowded around her." Nathan added and I nodded my head. 

"Have you found the man yet?" Master asked us and we shook our head. 

   "We've been looking for him but there has been no success." I said. 

"We'll help." Gray said. 


Hey hope you liked this chapter. 

See you soon Runners?? 

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