Chapter 22

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Davids pov

At lunch I get to the bench and see Dom the new kid.

"Hey bro," he says.


"You know that Liza girl?"

"Yea.." I say cautiously

"She's hot as fuuuuck." He says doing the mint sign '👌🏽'

"She's my girlfriend." I say.

"Shit sorry dude. Is that Gabbie girl single?"

"Yea she's looking for a guy actually", I didn't know if she was or not but I wanted him to stay away from Liza.

Liza and Gabbie come over.

"Hey baby," I say and kiss her on the cheek. She sits next to me and snuggles close to me.

"Hey Gabbie wanna be my girlfriend?" Dom asks.

I freeze. Is this kid serious? He only just came today. Liza and I exchange glances.

"Sure!" Gabbie says giggling.

"Right back," says Dom.

"Gabbie?! How desperate are you?!" Liza asks.

"What he's hot!" Gabbie says still giggling.

"I'd be careful gab. He's bad." I say.

"Yea apparently he deals drugs." Liza says.

Gabbie shrugs but looks anxious.

-lizas pov-

The next day>

I'm late to class again. I walk down the hall and spot Dom we wave at each other. As he walks past he grabs my ass, "hey baby."

I jump back and slap him.

"Feisty," he says smirking.

"Creep! I'm telling Gabbie!" I say.

"Like she'll believe you baby girl."

I roll my eyes, "stay away from me Eminem wannabe."

He laughs and I quickly walk to class.

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