Chapter 2: Likes The Women

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[Griffon's POV]

           Sebb had managed to knock the Zyron guy out, and I helped Kayden drag the dude's body into one of the nearby alleyways. Destiny, the girl we had ran into, was passed out and in Hayden's arms. I didn't know who she was, but I was guessing she was having some sort of shitty life.

Well her brother was pretty shitty anyways...well I assumed that was her brother since the guy said himself that Destiny was his sister. She seemed scared of him, so I was wondering if the guy was inflicted some sort of violence in her--not like it really affected me in anyway. I was just genuinely curious.

And now that her brother was seemingly taken care of, what the fuck were we even going to do with her?

"Why don't we take her back to the base with us? She's passed out and we can't just leave her here. What if the Zyron bastard does something?" Hayden said. Just as I glanced at him to speak, Sebb had spoken instead.

"What will Phoenix say?"

"Toss her into a garbage can?" Kayden cut in, gasping when I elbowed his ribage, and glared.

"Don't be like that Kayden."

"What? I was answering Sebastian's question!" He whined, and I rolled my eyes at that. Phoenix was an asshole older brother, but he wouldn't just toss the lady into a dumpster. No...he uh, liked his women.

I mean, we could take her back but keeping her with us just doesn't seem fair. What about her family? Parents? Or were they violent and cruel too? I wondered if they treated her the same way her brother did.

"Let's just take her with us and see what Phoenix says. He is in charge after all," Sebb said. We all nodded our heads, all agreeing to just do that.

Why would we keep the girl with us anyways? It's not like it would benefit her in anyway--it was too dangerous and I bet she would definitely not want to stay...not like we're gonna keep her.

What would she even be useful for? Running away crying?

She wouldn't be able to handle such a life that was ten times as worse than what she probably went through with her brother. We craved violence, death, and torture. That was just the way it went. This girl would probably faint if she saw blood.

"Agreed," Hayden said, holding Destiny in his arms bridal style, and we left Zyron's unconscious body in the alleyway as we headed back to the base.




Once we got back to the base, we carried the Destiny chick inside, right away being greeted by Phoenix, our older brother at the age of 25, the leader of our deadly gang, sitting languidly on the leather couch, his flannel unbuttoned to show off his flexing ab muscles, while he blew out a puff of smoke out of his mouth from the cigarette he was smoking.

He was the definition of chill at the moment: leaned back, arms draped across the back of the couch, his legs perched on the coffee get my point, he was pretty relaxed.

He noticed us as soon as we stepped foot into his eye sight, his attention snapping over to the five of us and his eyes narrowed. His relax aura was gone, and he blew more smoke out of his nose and mouth, sitting up properly.

"Who the fuck is the girl?" He asked prominently and prime, his deep tone of voice could anyone to drop to their knees and worship him. Obviously it didn't work for us though, because we were related blood and well...we didn't give a shit. We had some power too.

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