Chapter 8: Nightmares

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I groan at the feeling of two bodies jumping on top of me in the morning. "WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UPPPP!" I hear being screamed from on top of me. Blindly pushing the bodies off me I turn over on my side and attempt to go back to sleep.

Just as I'm about to fall back asleep I feel a feather like touch on my cheek. "Wake up princess, we're going shopping today" I hear whisper lightly to me. Cracking my eyes open I look directly into Griffon's blue eyes mumbling to him, "okay just let me get changed".

With a nod Griffon heads out the door, once I hear the click of my door closing I stagger out of bed and over to my dresser. Picking out a simple black t-shirt and a pair of black leggings I make my way over to the washroom to brush my teeth and change. Once I'm finished in the washroom I put on my old beat up converse and head downstairs to the kitchen where I can hear the boys chatting away.

As I enter the kitchen, the conversation comes to a halt. Staring back at me are five sets of eyes. "Uhhh h-hi" I softly reply with a hint of a stutter. Even though these boys, wait no, MEN I should say, have shown me nothing but kindness, "I can't help but still be anxious and slightly terrified; after all, I definitely don't trust easy" I think to myself.

"Here" Phoenix suddenly says handing me an apple, "alright everyone lets head out, we want to get there before the mall gets too busy, Destiny eat the apple on the way there, we'll grab something at the mall to eat for lunch, its already 10am" he states. Trailing after the guys heading out the door, we hop in the car and drive the 20 minutes it takes to get to the mall. After finding a parking spot we all hop out and make our way inside.

3 HOURS LATER (insert SpongeBob voice):

Exiting the last store we decide to go to the food court and get something to eat. "Everyone okay with pizza?" Seb asks. Mummers of agreement from everyone could be heard before Seb could even finish his sentence. "Alright, you guys go get a table and Phoenix and I will go get the food" Griffon states. "Hey, I'll c-c-come w-with you g-guys" I softly state while silently cursing my stutter. Phoenix silently nods his head, turning to head in the direction of the pizzeria I scramble to keep up with both of their long strides.

Noticing I am struggling to keep up, both of them slow down so they are walking on each side of me. Silently listening to the conversation between the two, only speaking up when asked something, I feel a something or someone watching me. Looking up from the ground I suddenly freeze in my spot, completely frozen in fear my eyes meet identical ones about 50 feet away from me. Sitting at a table with friends staring me down sat Zyron with an evil glint in his eye and a sinister smirk resting on his bruised face. Noticing my abrupt change in demeanor, Griffon asks "Dez are you okay, you're really pale love". Looking up at both Griffon and Phoenix's faces I reply shakily "my b-b-brother is o-over t-there staring a-at m-me". Snapping his head up, Phoenix fixes my brother with a deadly glare on his face while Griffon pulls my trembling body firmly into his side. Guiding me in the opposite direction of Zyron, Griffon and I make our way to the table where everyone is sitting with Phoenix trailing close behind us. "Grab the shit and lets go" Phoenix tells the others. "Why? What the hell is going on!?" Kayden asks, "Dez are you okay?" I hear Hayden mummer to me. Still in a state of terror and unable to respond Griffon pulls me closer and tells them "Her dickhead brother is over there, now lets go".

As I'm led to the car I can feel myself slowly disassociate from my surroundings. As we leave the mall and make the drive home, I quietly doze off to the sound of quiet chatter around me.

Around 20 minutes later I hear the sound of a door slamming and moments later I feel myself being picked up. I flutter my eyes open and come face to face with Hayden. "Shhh it's okay, I got you. Go back to sleep" Hayden tells me. Too tired to argue, I close my eyes and just before i drift off completely, I feel myself being placed on a feather like surface.


Waking up with a gasp I bolt up not familiar with my surroundings at first. Upon closer inspection, I realize I'm in the room the guys gifted me and there is a mountain of bags covering the floor. Needing to keep my mind distracted I climb out of the bed and start putting away the new clothes that the guys got me. "I'm gunna need to start pulling some serious overtime to pay these guys back" I think to myself. 

After about 15 minutes I hear a knock on my door. "Come in" I yell from the closet. Exiting the closet I see that Kayden and Seb have entered the room. "H- hey guys, w- what's up" I ask. "Griffon just wanted us to let you know that dinner will be finished in about 10 minutes" Seb says. "O- oh, alright I- I'll be d-down s-shortly" I reply. "Great see you then" Kayden exclaims.

10 minutes later all my clothes are put away in the appropriate spots and I'm heading down the stairs for dinner. Taking the empty chair between Griffon and Kayden I quietly listen to the conversations going around the table. Answering the questions the guys throw at me and slowly come out of my shell, at least enough to make conversation, I slowly start to feel more at ease. I also notice that my nervous stutter has gone making me smile.

After dinner I say goodnight to the guys and head back upstairs to my room. Grabbing a new set of underwear and pajama's I head into the washroom and lock the door behind me. 20 minutes later I walk out and instantly crawl into bed. Turning off the lamp, I drift into a calm dreamless slumber. The first sleep I've had without nightmares in a very long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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