Chapter 1

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Heaven woke up to her alarm clock. It was exactly five O' clock. Heaven pushed the covers to the side and stumbled out of bed.

After eating, heaven took a shower then brushed her hair and teeth. Then she got dressed in her school uniform and applied makeup, etc.

Heaven was now standing outside of the school building ready to start her first day of school. She went to the front office and told the principal she was the new student. The principal was very kind.

"Hello, we have a new student today." The principal said as she walked into her first class. "Please introduce yourself."

Heaven could feel everyone's eyes on her. "Hello, I am heaven. I hope we can get along well". Everyone just continued to stare and it made heaven feel uneasy.

"Please take a seat heaven." The teacher asked politely. The only available seat was in the back of the room. The seat was surrounded by seven boys who all had smug looks on their faces.

Heaven went to the back and sat down trying to ignore the seven boys staring at her. Halfway through the class, heaven felt someone poke her arm. She immediately yelped and smacked the hand away.

The teacher looked at heaven, "is there a problem heaven?" The teacher asked. "Umm no miss. I just saw a ugh bug. It startled me. I am sorry for interrupting class." Heaven apologized. "It is okay." The teacher smiled and then continued teaching.

Heaven shot a glare at the boy to her left, who was the one who poked her. He winked at her. Heaven just scoffed and looked back to the teacher.

After class, heaven stood up and was packing everything into her backpack. "Hey new girl, heaven was it?" One if the boys asked. "Yeah, not that you would care." Heaven retorted. The boy who had poked her grabbed her forearm as she tried walking away.

Heaven shrugged him off. "Don't every touch me again. Didn't anyone ever tell you to not touch a girl?" Heaven questioned harshly.

The boy rolled his eyes, "I'm jimin. Trust me, every girl in this school wish they were in your shoes right now" The boy named jimin said.

"Okay well, jimin, I am not every other girl in this school and I don't want you touching me." Heaven raised her voice. Jimin just scoffed.

"You better shut your mouth. You have no idea who we are and what we can do." A tall man with tanish skin said. "I am namjoon. Make sure you remember my name." He added

"Okay well, can you guys just leave me alone? I didn't do anything to you. Anyways, I will be off to class." Heaven started to walk off but another one the boys grabbed her wrist.

"You didnt even let us introduce ourselves. Did anyone teach you manners?" The boy asked.

"Well considering jimin here, poked me and grabbed my arm, I am pretty sure I shouldn't be the one getting a lecture on manners."

"Whatever. Get over it." Jimin scoffed. "Well I am jhope" said the one who grabbed heaven's wrist. "I'm jin" said the one with broad shoulders. "Jungkook" he was the youngest looking one. "Hi, V" said a boy who flashed a box smile. "Suga. I'm swag" says one of the shortest. He was similar to jimin with height.

"Okay well thanks for the introduction. You know who I am since I introduced myself to the class. Unless of course you didn't listen." Heaven said and turned around.

"See ya around heaven." J-hope said and deepened his smirked. The other boys also had smirks displayed on their faces. This made heaven feel uncomfortable.

It turns out the seven boys were in every single one of heavens classes. Heaven found out after a girl named makayla asked to see heavens schedule and wished her luck since she had the boys in all her classes.

It was lunch time and heaven was sitting alone on the roof. She wasn't hungry so she skipped lunch and went up to the roof to clear her head. She closed her eyes and popped in her earbuds. She was listening to music when suddenly she heard the door to the roof fly open and a lot of laughter.

Heaven looked up and saw that the seven boys were all walking through the door. All seven of them were laughing at something. Then they noticed heaven. They all stopped laughing and started smirking then they all walk towards heaven. She started backing up until she hit a wall and couldn't go anywhere else. Jimin walked up to her and put a hand on either side of heaven's head.

"You are so cute when your terrified." Jimin said. "W-why are y-you doing this? What d-did I do to you?" Heaven stuttered in fear. "Aww poor heaven. You didn't do anything to me. You are just hot and hard to get. Enough for me." Jimin replied. "Please jimin. I don't want anything to do with you or the other six. Please just leave me alone." Heaven pleaded. Jimin started closing the space between his face and heavens. Heavens eyes were shut tight because she couldn't do anything to get out of this.

"Hey! I am gonna be the first one to kiss her!" J-hope screamed and pushed jimin to the side. Heaven took that chance and she ran to the door. She as about to open it and run to the cafeteria when someone grabbed her wrist. She turned around and saw namjoon was the one holding her.

"Nobody rejects us. We do as we please and you can't stop us." Namjoon said and threw heaven to the floor from her wrist. He then got on one knee and grabbed heavens chin, angling it up so he could look into her eyes. "You will not resist us. If you do, things will be a lot worse. Got it?" He asked. Heaven was terrified and was tearing up. Since she just wanted the boys to leave her in peace, heaven nodded. A tear slipped from her eye and rolled down her cheek.

"Now be good and don't tell anyone about what went down up here." Namjoon said and let go of heaven. The boys went back inside leaving heaven on the roof to compose herself before leaving.

How could he do that? Who do they think they are?


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