Chapter 2

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After heaven was calmed down, she walked to her next class and sat down. The class didn't start for another ten or fifteen minutes but heaven had no intentions of eating lunch now and the boys were probably in the cafateria. Not that she could avoid them anyway, they are in all her classes.

Heaven had her journal open and she was drawing random pictures on it. She zoned out and didn't realize the boys walk in and sit on the seats around her until she felt someone tap her back. She turned around and saw jhope. Heaven gasped when she finally noticed all the boys were there.

"W-what are you g-guys doing here?" Heaven stuttered, more from shock then fear. "Well we do have class in about ten minutes." Jin replied. "O-oh yeah." Heaven said and turned around. "You shouldn't be scared of us and instead just listen to us." One of the boys spoke

Heaven snapped her head to face him, "that will never happen, you are all just bully's who thinks they can push everyone around." Heaven raised her voice a little in anger.

"Calm down. At least I don't go around commanding every girl in the school." Namjoon lazily defended.

"Do you think I care? I wonder how many girls you have tortured like me." Heaven felt so frustrated.

"Actually not too many. Yeah a few here and there but girls are considered lucky to get our attention." "Well trust me, I don't feel, and I didn't feel, lucky. I felt forced and used. Now I am going to continue drawing and act like I never had this conversation." Heaven says and turns back to her journal.

Right as she starts to draw she feels someone hit the back of her head and turns around to see a smirking suga. "You need manners. Don't turn away when they are talking to you." Suga says. "SAYS THE ONE WHO JUST SMACKED ME UPSIDE THE HEAD!" heaven yelled. "Stop yelling, it is annoying." Suga simply replied. "You think I care? Cause I dont. And I don't care about this conversation either. Now may I be excused from the conversation?" Heaven asked the last part with as much sarcasm as possible.

"Nope!" Jungkook piped in. "What do you guys want from me? There are plenty of girls that look way better than me and are way smarter." Heaven asks. "You may never understand why it is we mess with you, but that isn't for you to know." Jungkook explains.

Heaven sighed in defeat. "I know you will not leave me alone but please don't do anything physical. Say whatever you want about me but don't touch me. It makes me extremely uncomfortable. If you have decency you will understand." Heaven pleads, knowing there is no way out of this.

"No promises." Jimin and j-hope say in unison and namjoon just shrugs. "Let me see your phone." Jin says suddenly. "Wait what? Why would I give you my phone?" Heaven asks, defending her poor phone who did nothing wrong. "He said give him your phone. You understand what happens when you get on our bad side. Now give him the phone!" Namjoon says with each word towards the end getting louder. He is obviously frustrated with heaven opposing to their commands.

Heaven hesitantly handed over her phone to jin. "What's the password?" Jin asks. "Here give it to me, I will put it in." Heaven says, not wanting them to know her password. Jin scoffs and hands the phone over. Heaven puts in her password and hands it back. "Ah! That is a cute picture of you heaven!" Jimin shouts after seeing the background. She hates him but the compliment still made her blush slightly.

Jin handed the phone over and Heaven looked through it to see what he did. There is a new contact called, "Jin".

"Why would I want your number?" She asked Jin rudely. "It isn't so much as you want my number as I want yours. You will be doing whatever it is we want and so I need to message you if I need something. The rest of them should put in their numbers as well in case they need something." Jin says and takes her phone from her passing it around for everyone to add their numbers. The seven new contacts were Jin, Jungkook, Swag King, V, Your only hope, Namjoon, and Mastet Jimin. "Really, why not just your real names? Swag king, Your only hope, and Master jimin? Seriously?" Heaven asked, mainly disgusted at jimin's choice. "Well it is our contact so we make it what we want. You better not change it." Jimin answered for them all.

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