Chapter 7

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The first few classes went by quickly and then it was time for lunch. The boys, one again, made heaven walk in the middle since Jackson didn't seem to want to give up.

They were just a few feet from the cafeteria when Jackson just had to show up. Namjoon immediately went to grab him but heaven grabbed his forearm. He looked back at her and shrugged her off. "What?" He asked, irritated. "Let me talk to him. I know you guys don't like him, neither do I, but just let me talk to him. I hardly ever ask anything just please let me do this." She begged.

Namjoon rolled his eyes and sighed. Suga, jin, and jungkook nodded but j-hope, jimin, and V didn't seem to like the idea. "Go." Rapmon commanded and she did exactly that. She went to Jackson who immediately grabbed her wrist.

The boys were watching and were about to step in but heaven yanked her arm back, making Jackson loose his grip on her wrist. "I came to talk to you. You don't touch me or talk." Heaven demanded and Jackson just stood there.

"I don't know why you keep showing up but I don't need your help. You have no right to tell me what I do and don't understand. If I really was as scared as you say, I would have come with you and gotten help. I may be scared from time to time but nothing like you're making it out to be. So I don't need your help and I would appreciate it if you just left me alone." Heaven finished and walked back to the boys.

They all had slight smiles on their faces but not enough for anyone to notice. As soon as heaven got in the middle of the group, jimin whispered into her ear, "You love us don't you". Heaven slapped his arm and he scowled. He then raised his hand as if to slap her. "Jimin, I'm sorry. Please don't." Heaven begged.

Suddenly, suga grabbed jimin's hand and yanked him backwards. "Pabo, let's go. I want lunch and you are just mad she slapped you. Stop your little temper tantrum and let's go eat." Suga said and the others laughed at suga's criticism.

Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes but he let go and walked off to the cafeteria. The others followed him. "Thank you." She whispered to suga as they both started walking to the cafeteria as well.

"You just stood up for yourself and told Jackson to back off. You basically told him you like us and want to stay with us. Jimin should be happy, not trying to slap you." Suga explained.

"Well I mean you and namjoon don't hurt me and everyone besides jimin hasn't really done anything physical again so it isn't impossible to handle." Heaven replied and they both smile.

After lunch, the classes seemed to go by pretty fast, yet again. As they were walking out, some random girl stepped in front of bangtan and heaven and started batting her eyes. "Hi oppas!" She said in an annoying tone.

"What do you want?" Jungkook harshly asked. "I want you to recognize me, oppa. I am the most beautiful girl in school yet you notice the hideous new girl." She said causing namjoon, suga, and, surprisingly, jimin, to ball their hands into fists at their side.

"She isn't hideous and we have stuff to do so we will be going now." Jimin said and started walking, the rest following.

"Oppa! You didn't even ask my name!" She yelled at them. "We don't want to know it!" They all yell back at her. She huffed and walked over to a group of girls with way too much makeup on.

"Would you mind helping me with math again? You seem to understand it and you really helped yesterday." Suga asked and heaven smiled."Sure, as long as namjoon doesn't mind." She replied and they both look at namjoon for approval.

"Doesn't matter to me. If the others need something she's gotta help them though." He said and the others hum in agreement. "Fair enough." Suga says and he walked home with namjoon and heaven.

Suga and heaven went to her room just like yesterday and started studying right away. Suga seemed to pick this up a bit faster this time so the two got through more work.

"We are done and it's eight now." Heaven said and yoongi nods. "I take it your staying here again?" She asks and he nods. "As long as you don't mind." He adds.

"Let's put this away and then find something to do. I am not tired yet." Heaven said and so the two cleaned up all the books. "Wanna watch a movie? You have a TV in your room so it seems smart enough." Suga suggests and she nods.

"You pick the movie." Heaven said as she jumped on her bed and got comfortable. Yoongi put a movie on and sat beside heaven on her bed. She cuddled into his side and he wrapped his arms around her.

They stayed like that during the entire movie. Once it ended, yoongi turned the TV off and they both changed. Yoongi borrowed cloths from namjoon again.

Yoongi decided to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close. Heaven didnt pull away, but instead, buried her head in his chest. They fell asleep in that position.


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