Chapter 3

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Heaven woke up on a bed that wasn't hers. She looked around and she wasn't in her apartment. She looked across the room, at a table, and noticed a school uniform for her. She quickly went to the bathroom and she noticed an unopened toothbrush and toothpaste as well as a hairbrush sitting there with a note.

Use these. They haven't been used so you will use them from now on.

Heaven brushed her hair and teeth then got dressed and opened the door slowly. She looked around and noticed she was on the second floor. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"I see you are up. I'm glad you are ready because we are leaving in a few minutes." Namjoon says before shoving food into his mouth. "Why was I asleep in that room? What happened last night? The last thing I remember was Jimin making me sit next to him." you try to remember what happened. "You fell asleep and the others left so I took you to that room. That is your room. You live with me now. If I, or any of the other bangtan members, ask for something, you better give it to us. Do you understand?" Namjoon asks Heaven.

"Yeah but I still don't understand why you guys chose me to do this to. There are plenty of other girls." Heaven questioned. "You don't have the right to know. That is that. You also don't have the right to argue with us or question what we do." Namjoon said sternly and stood up. He had finished his food. "I'm brushing my teeth then we are leaving. You have to get up sooner tomorrow if you want breakfast." he says and walks off.

After a few minutes, Namjoon walks back and he hands Heaven her backpack and phone. She wanted to ask why he had her phone but she was too scared. "Oh and heaven." Namjoon said as she took her phone. "Yes?" She asks. "You aren't allowed to ignore any of our texts. If the boys text you, you answer them. Even if they are just chatting, you don't ignore them." he says and walks towards the door with Heaven following.

The two arrive at school and are greeted by the other boys. "Hello Heaven." the boys greet her. She just ignores them and stares at the ground. "ugh she is so disrespectful." one of them say. "Hello to you too. Happy now?" she asks sarcastically. "You better watch your mouth." Jin said. Heaven rolled her eyes and stared back at the floor.

"Let's go. We don't want to be late for class." J-hope said and they all start walking with Heaven trailing behind them. Sudden, a guy grabs her wrist and pulls her into a room. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Heaven screamed at the boy. "Just trust me. Bangtan are bad news. You need to stay away from them." The boy says.

"You think I don't know that? I don't have a choice." Heaven remarked. "Well I can help you." He says. "I don't even know your name." She says. "Jackson." He replies.

"Well, Jackson, just let me be. After a while they will get annoyed with me and move on to some other unfortunate girl." She says and walks out. Jackson just sighed but he didn't stop her.

As soon as Heaven walks into class, she sees BTS looking pissed. Jimin sees her and walks up to her. Heaven backed up more and more until she hit a wall. This was just like on the roof. Jimin grabbed her wrists and held them by her head on the wall, pinning her against the wall.

"You think you can just do whatever you want and leave as you please?" Jimin asked, fumming. "N-no. Some boy pulled me into a room." Heaven defended. "YEAH RIGHT, LIKE I AM GONNA BELIEVE THAT!" Jimin shouted in her face. "IT'S THE TRUTH!" heaved yelled back.

"He pulled me into some room and warned me to stay away from you seven. I told him I'm fine and I knew you wouldn't have noticed me disappearing so I went to the classroom." Heaven explained. "We did notice you were missing, genius." Jimin retorted. "Not until you got in the classroom." She replied.

"Actually yeah we did. We noticed your footsteps were gone and when we checked, so were you. We knew you had to come to class so we decided to come and wait." Namjoon said. Heaven just stood there, surprised at what namjoon said. "Who was the boy?" Jimin asked in an angry tone. "He said his name was Jackson." Heaven answered.

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