Chapter 8

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Heaven woke up the same way as yesterday. She was still in Suga's embrace. She stared at his face because he really did look adorable when he slept.

Without thinking, she lightly poked his cheek. She was about to pull her hand away but suga grabbed her wrist, his eyes still closed. Heaven gasped at his sudden action.

He opened his eyes and stared into her's. "You just had to poke me, didn't you? I was still very tired." He spoke.

"Sorry, you looked really cute and peaceful." She replied and he smiled a bit. "Let's get up. I want to go to my house to get new cloths." Suga suggested and they both got out of bed.

"I will meet you at school. My house is far away so I will be late to our first class but just cover for me. Say I don't feel very well. I can confirm and say it was a morning sickness." Suga planned and heaven nodded. "Okay." She replied and with that, he left.

Heaven did her usual morning routine and went downstairs to see Namjoon sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"Ready to go?" He asked heaven, who sat beside him. "Yeah. We need to cover for suga though. If anyone asks just say he is sick, and he said he will cover up after that." Heaven told namjoon who just nodded.

The two walked to school and were once again greeted by the boys. "Hey heaven and namjoon." They all greet and then look confused.

"Where is suga hyung?" Jungkook asked. Heaven explained the plan of covering for him and they all nod.

As they walk in, they see a group of girls glaring at heaven. "Aren't those the same girls from yesterday? The one who called us oppa and then looked just about ready to kill heaven." V asked.

"Yeah. I don't see why they glare at me. I wouldn't mind switching places with them." Heaven added and everyone looked at her. "Meaning?" Jin asked.

"Meaning I wouldn't mind being a normal person and her being the one having to deal with you seven, well six at the moment, but normally seven." Heaven clarifies and they all rolled their eyes.

They got to class and sat down. The girl from yesterday were apparently in the same class.

"Is it bad I never noticed she was in our class until now. I only noticed because she keeps glaring at heaven then snickering about something with those other girls then glaring again." Jimin said and the others shake their head.

"I just noticed too. I think she is planning something." J-hope spoke up. "Maybe... nah, never mind." Heaven started then changed her mind about saying anything.

"What were you gonna say?" Namjoon asks. "Just... maybe this has something to do with jackson. I mean right after I told him to leave me alone, this girl comes and starts flirting with you guys. Maybe Jackson is trying to get you guys to like someone else and leave me alone." Heaven explained her theory.

"That is actually really smart. I never thought of that. It may be coincidence but at the same time, you may be right." Jin praised.

After the first class, suga came and the whole cover up plan worked. It was now lunch and they were sitting at the table eating. The guys were all talking but heaven stayed quite and didn't eat.

"Why don't you ever eat?" V suddenly asked heaven, who shrugged. "I don't usually feel hungry. I mean I ate yesterday night." Heaven answered and referred to the apples and chips yoongi made her eat since she hadn't eaten in two days prior to that.

"What exactly did you eat?" J-hope and jungkook asked. "Apples and chips." She replied and they looked at her in disbelief. "You mean to tell me that in four days, you have only had an apple and some chips?" Jimin asked.

Heaven nodded. "Eat. Now. You will die if you don't eat." Suga joined the conversation and she just shrugged.

"Did you know your stomach starts digesting itself if you don't eat after about two weeks?" V asked and everyone stared at him.

"What? It's true." He defended against the disapproving looks he got. "That is not the kind of thing you just randomly say." Jungkook explained and the others nod.

"Whatever. We just need to eat." Suga said and everyone started eating, including heaven.

After lunch, heaven asked to go to the roof to clear her head. They said no since the girls seemed to be scheming and Jackson was unpredictable so they all just sat in class and waited for the teacher to come.

After school, they all sighed in relief. It was Friday so they don't have to be tortured again until Monday.

Bangtan all went over to namjoon's house since there was no homework or anything like that. Heaven was just laying in her bed, watching TV in her room when the door to her room opened.

She saw jimin and sat up. "Yes?" She asked. He just ignored her and started to walk towards her. "Jimin what are you doing?" She asked and started crawling back until she hit the headboard to her bed.

Jimin grabbed her forearm, lifting her off the bed, and pinning her to the wall. "Jimin let go." She requested but he ignored her. Why did he do this all of a sudden? What is his problem?

"Jimin! Let me go!" She yelled this time. He ignored her again and connected their lips. After a few moments he pulled away. "STOP! LET ME GO!" heaven screamed as loud as possible.

He started kissing her again, as she heard footsteps running up the stairs and to her room.

She struggled to push jimin off her and was relieved when she felt someone pull him off of her. However, she was extremely upset and felt that awful feeling.

She felt like she was nothing but a toy. Something who's feelings are only there to be played with and then ripped to shreds. Heaven fell to the floor and cried as those thoughts repeated in her head.

The guys had taken jimin out of the room so she was crying alone until suga came in and sat next to her. He gently pulled her into his lap and stroked her hair.

"It's okay. He is gone." Suga assured her and she buried her head in his chest, still crying. "Why does he do that? I'm not just a toy to be played with. I have feelings. Why can't he understand that?" Heaven sobbed and suga just rocked her back and forth in his lap.

"I know. I'm so sorry. I am so so sorry." He told her and she hugged him tighter. "I feel so... so violated." She chocked out and suga felt horrible. "Please don't cry. I know you have every reason to, but it makes me sad to see you like this. Please stop crying." He requested.

Heaven wiped her tears away slightly pulled away from suga's embrace. She looked into his eyes and she could see that he did actually look sad.

"I'm sorry." He repeated


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