Chapter 12

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Heaven woke up in suga's embrace. It has become a normal thing now. Suga was snoring quietly and it was so adorable. "Suga, we have to get up. We have school today." heaven poked his cheek.

"Five more minutes." he whined. "No, up. now." heaven demanded but suga ignored her. "Alright, well i'm going with or without you." heaven got out of bed and suga groaned as he rolled over.

"I just hope Jackson isn't there." heaven called teasingly as she went into the bathroom to get changed. Suga immediately jumped out of bed causing heaven to chuckle. "It isn't funny. Go get dressed." he whined.

Heaven did her regular morning routine and went downstairs where all the guys were sitting on the couches. "You all never went home did you?" she asked. "Nope. We all just stayed in a guest room. We also robbed namjoon of all his cloths but it's all good." Jimin replied.

Everyone finished eating, except heaven who didn't eat, and left. Suga walked beside heaven and held her hand. As they entered school, all of the girl's jaws dropped. "Oppa, why are you holding her hand?" the same girl from Friday asked. 

"Because she is my girlfriend. Also, don't call me oppa." he replied. Everyone gasped and bangtan continued walking, ignoring them all. As they walked into the class, guess who was there.

"What are you doing here?" tae asked Jackson. "I was waiting for heaven." he replied. "Well you can leave now. You don't even have this class." heaven told him. "Why are you holding his hand? Is he forcing you?" Jackson asked and gestured to Suga. 'Why does he always think I am forced to do everything?' she thought.

"He is my boyfriend and he isn't forcing me." heaven answered. "I don't believe you." he replied making heaven sigh. 'I don't care if you believe me or not' she retorted in her mind. She turned to suga and pecked his lips. "Believe me now?" she asked. Jackson's jaw dropped.

"Why? Don't you know how terrible they are? Everything they have done to you." Jackson trailed off. "Everyone makes mistakes and deserves a second chance." Heaven retorted, annoyed. 

"No. They don't deserve a second chance. Let's go." Jackson went to grab heaven's wrist but Suga stepped in front of her.

"Don't touch her. When will you learn?" Suga spat. "I'm taking her away. I don't know what you did to her but there is no way she is actually your girlfriend." Jackson retorted. 'This boy has major issues' everyone thought. "Dude what's your problem? Back off. She loves Suga and he loves her. Just leave her alone." Jimin joined the conversation.

"Says you." Jackson spat. "Yeah, says me." Jimin retorted. Jackson turned his head to heaven, "Do you trust Jimin?" he asked. "Yes." She simply answered. "Okay there is no way. What did you do to her?" jackson asked. 

"JACKSON! LEAVE! NOW!" heaven screamed. "No." he replied calmly. "Want us to teach him a lesson?" jungkook and Jin asked at the same time. Heaven thought for a moment and hesitated before responding. "Yes but I don't want to watch." she answered. "Alright, come with me." J-hope said and lightly grabbed her wrist.

The two ran out of the room before Jackson could stop them. "Where to?" jhope asked. "The roof. I always go there to clear my mind." j-hope nodded. The two arrived on the roof and sat down beside each other.

"I just wish he would leave me alone. I hope he will after this." Heaven spoke. "Yeah, I hope so to. I would join in but I can respect you not wanting to watch." J-hope answered. "Thank you. Out of everyone, you never did anything to me. You, jungkook, jin, and tae never really did anything to me." Heaven suddenly said. 

"Don't get me wrong, I thought about it. I would have but I started to see Suga looking more protective over you and more frustrated when anyone would even touch you. I knew he had feelings for you and I didn't want to hurt him." J-hope explained. 

"Ugh! Am I the only one who didn't notice he liked me?" heaven sighed in frustration, earning a chuckle from j-hope. "Yeah pretty much. It was also obvious you liked him but he never figured out until you kissed him." he added. They both laugh at how oblivious her and Suga were.

"When do you think we can go back?" heaven asked. "Give it a bit. I have a feeling Suga, Namjoon, and Jimin will take a bit." he replied. "Why?" heaven stupidly asked. "They all have actual feelings for you and Jackson tried multiple times to take you way. They all have something against him and will probably take their time." he explained.

Right as he finished, Jin and Jungkook walked onto the roof. "Umm, the other will probably be done in a minute. You should head back so we aren't late." jin said. "Where is taehyung?" heaven asked.

"He.. ugh... also beat Jackson." Jungkook replied. "Why? He shouldn't have anything against him. I only really expected Jimin, namjoon, and Suga to do anything." heaven asked earning yet another chuckle from J-hope.

"He had feelings for you too. You really are oblivious. He just never expressed it because he knew you liked suga and suga liked you." jhope explained. "OF COURSE BECAUSE EVERYONE KNEW ABOUT SUGA BUT ME!" heaven yelled in frustration.

Jungkook, Jin, and j-hope burst into laughter. "Let's go." heaven grumbled and stomped off. The others continued laughing but walked after heaven. "I swear you are hilarious." jin spoke once he stopped laughing. "Yeah yeah." she mumbled.

The four of them arrived at class and there was Jimin, namjoon, Suga, and taehyung sitting in their spots with a look of satisfaction. "Welcome back." suga smiled as if he didn't just beat Jackson.

"Should I regret my decision?" heaven asked. The four boys in the room looked too happy. "Nope!" they all sang. Heaven shook her head and sat in her seat. "Is he even alive anymore?" she whispered to suga.

"Nope!" he cheerfully replied. "WHAT?!" heaven whisper, yelled. "I'm just joking. He won't be at school for a few days though." he replied with a grin. 


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