Chapter 9

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"Why are you sorry?" Heaven asked as she hiccuped from crying. "I'm sorry that he did that. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry that you feel used and violated. I'm sorry that you're in this situation. I'm sorry that you were crying. I'm just... sorry".

"Don't be. At least you stopped Jackson. That is better then nothing." She tried to comfort him, offering a weak smile.

"That was mainly jealousy, you shouldn't thank me." He replied. "Jealousy?" She asked and he nodded.

"I..  I have feelings for you and I didn't want anyone else to kiss you." He explained and looked to the side, ashamed.

"Suga, I-" she stopped, not knowing what to say. "You don't have to say anything." He said as if he read her mind.

Without thinking, heaven leaned up and kissed suga. He was stiff for a second and then melted into the kiss.
After a moment, heaven pulled away and stared into suga's eyes.

Heaven felt happy until she remembered her kiss with namjoon. The kiss with suga made her feel like she was truly loved but how? She had kissed namjoon as well. Heaven felt terrible and didn't know what to do.

She silently stood up and walked out of her room. Jimin was being scolded by Jin in the living room but heaven hardly noticed as she raced out of the house.

She went to the school and went to the roof. The school was closed since school had already ended so she had to climb a tree to get onto the roof.

Heaven just sat on the roof and thought about what happened. She need someone who could help but she didn't know who.

The only people she knew were bangtan. She thought for a minute before pulling out her phone to text jin. Out of all of them, he seemed to be the one who would be able to help in this situation.

Heaven: can you meet me at school on the roof? I need to ask you something important.

Jin: why school? Never mind. I will be there in a few minutes.

Heaven: Thank you jin. Also, you have to climb a tree to get up here.

Jin: really? I thought I would grow wings like a fairy and fly up there. 😑 of course I need to climb the tree, pabo.

Heaven waited for about ten minutes before jin jumped onto the roof. "What do you need?" He asked and he sat down beside her.

"Can you keep a secret from the rest of bangtan?" She asked. "Yeah. I mean if it is something like you are running away then i need to tell them but unless it is serious, I won't tell." He answered.

Heaven sighed, thinking how to ask this. "I..  I need help. I l-like namjoon but I a-also l-like suga." Heaven started. "I actually kissed namjoon and he kissed back and the same with suga. It's like I just feel the urge to kiss them. I-i feel really bad though. I actually kissed both of them and I actually think I have feelings for them but i don't know what to do. I kissed them both and I feel horrible for it. I feel like I'm using them and just... I feel terrible. I can't even tell who I like more." Heaven struggled to explain everything and jin just listened.

"So basically, you kissed both of them and you like both of them but you don't know why you kissed them or who you like more?" Jin summarized and heaven nodded.

"Well since you kissed them, how did each one react and how did they make you feel. As in what did you feel when you kissed them?" Jin asked.

"Well when I kissed namjoon, he asked me if I was sure before I kissed him and when I said yes that's when we kissed. I was really stressed and he was comforting me and seeing his soft side made me want to kiss him. With suga, the first time he kissed me was when he made me talk about my parents. He felt bad and while he was comforting me, he kissed my forehead. As for the real kiss... that was a few minutes ago. He was comforting me because I felt like crap after what jimin just did. He kept saying sorry and he explained why he was sorry after I told him to stop apologizing. It wasn't my first time seeing that side of suga and I see that side more than not so I don't think that's why. When I kissed him, he was like really still but then he kissed back. That's when I remembered the kiss with namjoon and you know what happened from there." Heaven explained to jin.

"Okay so for namjoon, I think you were just emotional and caught up in the moment of seeing namjoon's sweet side. You said you saw that side of suga often so it's not like it was new or caught up in the moment." Jin answered and heaven looked confused.

"Basically, I think you kissed namjoon as a heat of the moment kind of thing. You have been getting noticeably, closer and closer to suga. I think you have feelings for him. You may like namjoon but I don't think you like him as the way you like suga." Jin finished.

"Thank you jin. I honestly felt horrible and had no idea what to do. Also, thank you for not turning me down. I know in your eyes, I really don't have the right to even ask you to help. I know this probably doesn't change things between us but still, thank you." Heaven told jin, who nodded.

"I can tell you really do have feelings for suga. The way your eyes shimmered as you talked about the kiss between you two. You really do like him and I can see that. It's pretty obvious he likes you. Anyways, I yelled at jimin for kissing you." Jin said.

"So what did you say? Will he leave me alone?" Heaven asked. "Well let's say suga looked ready to kill jimin. I don't think he will let jimin do that again. That's another reason why I said it's obvious he likes you. Just the way he acts when one of us kiss you. He always looks annoyed and frustrated." Jin chuckled.

"Well, thank you again Jin. Now I just need to figure out how to tell namjoon. I think he has feelings for me and I feel bad now." Heaven and jin sighed. "Just tell him that you realized you have feelings for suga. He is the kind to take that news pretty well." Jin said and heaven nodded.

Heaven and jin climbed down the tree and walked to namjoon's house. They walked in and the boys were all in the living room, silently waiting.


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